
Primary LanguageScalaOtherNOASSERTION

Programmable Pacman


The idea of this project is to introduce kids to programming in a playful and fun way.

The Pacman in this game is not controlled by user-input but by a "behavior" program that has to be written by the player. Such behaviors are written in a simple and intuitive (and, for the moment, French :) DSL. New behaviors can be compiled and loaded at run-time to gradually make Pacman smarter.

The game has two modes:

  • Simple mode: Pacman has to escape the monsters for 30 seconds to win
  • Advanced mode: Pacman can eat points, eat superpoints (cherries) and in super-mode eat monsters. The goal is to eat all points and / or to gain a maximum number of points.

The game has been very successfully tested during the Open Doors 2010 at EPFL. A lot of kids (starting from the age of 8) spent a surprisingly long time trying to improve Pacmans intelligence, and they had a lot of fun. Some impressions.

How to run

  • install sbt
  • the first time, run "sbt update"
  • run "sbt run"


A a very short introduction to the DSL (french and english). It is also described and explained in the file doc/documentation.pdf (currently only in French, contributions welcome).

At first, Pacman doesn't move.

  • "bouge"/"move": returns a Set[Direction] where he can go without hitting a wall. The runtime selects one randomly. So the simplest behavior "bouge"/"move" makes him move randomly.
  • "telQue"/"suchThat" or "vers"/"to": they are identical, allow you to filter the direction

Example: the behavior bouge vers aDroite move to right makes him move to the right.

There are smarter filters, like "loinDesMonstres"/"farFromMonsters", which yields the direction maximizing the minimal distance to a monster. bouge telQue loinDesMonstres move suchThat farFromMonsters

Other filters:

  • "versUnMonstre" / "toAMonster"
  • "enSecuritePendant(n)" / "inSecurityFor(n)", a path where he can safely go for n steps

If you filter to the empty, you can put "sinon"/"otherwise"

(bouge telQue enSecuritePendant(10)) sinon (bouge telQue loinDesMonstres)
(move suchThat inSecurityFor(10)) otherwise (move suchThat farFromMonsters)

Finally, there are conditions such as

  • "siChasseur" / "ifHunter"
  • "siMonstresLoin" / "ifMonstersFar"

they can be used to make him behave according to the game state siChasseur (bouge telQue versUnMonstre) sinon (bouge telQue loinDesMonstres) ifHunter (move suchThat toAMonster) else (move suchThat awayFromMonsters)


There is a lot of space for contributions! For bugfixes, see the list of open tickets

For new features, see the list below.


Simple mode:
simple mode

Advanced mode:
simple mode

Ideas for improvements

clean up MVC

iir, some parts of the GUI which are currently part of the View could be seperate from the MVC.

translate DSL to english

enrich the language

  1. filters like "versUneCerise" or "versUnMonstre" only return one direction. when one writes "versUnMonstre telQue loinDesCerises", and the two are not the same, then she gets no direction (pacman stops).

    if the filters would instead return a sequence of directions (the first being the best), we could allow multiple filters.

  2. there should be a new filter allowing to avoid things, such as "pasDeMonstreSurChemin", "pasDeCeriseSurChemin"

  3. we should give access to more data in the model

    • distance to all monsters, cherries, points (not only to the closest)
    • number of lives
    • time remaining as a hunter
    • number of cherries
    • number monsters alive
    • length of tunnel (i.e distance to next intersection)
  4. we should allow arbitrary direction filters, for example: bouge telQue (distanceVersCerise < 3) // restricts to directions where distance to cherry is less than 3

    This is (almost) equivalent to si (distanceVersCerise < 3) (bouge vers versUneCerise) sinon (reste)


in simple mode, the time to survive (30s) does not depend on the animation speed (Settings.sleepTime). so for slower animation it gets easier. it should rather be a certain number of big ticks.

error reporting

error reporting is often not helpful, for instance if you miss-spell an operaotr such as "telQue", the receiver will be highlighted, not the operator. also, always an entire line is marked as wrong (positions are just mapped to lines..)

Also if we had automatic line-wrapping and indentation, error correction of parenthesis would become a lot easier (this was an issue during objective science, with people spending lots of time counting parenthesis, and not enjoying it greatly).

also: have the code become "green" based on running a presentation compiler instead instead of simple regexes.

relax on spelling

for the kids, the pacman language should forgive more errors like

  • not using camelCase
  • have more aliases ("bouge vers" = "aller vers") // Gilles is not sure about more aliases: I found the vers/telQue alias to be confusing already
  • maybe even allow space-separated directions ("vers un monstre" = "versUnMonstre")

active debugging

by viktor kuncak: For learning to program, one useful addition might be to have a replay debugger, where one could see which conditions evaluated to 'true' and which actions were executed by the pacman. If all randomness was given by a pseudo-random generator, a (bounded) replay should not be too hard and should be reasonably efficient, since there is a discrete notion of time. To see which part was executed, it seems sufficient to add to DSL a comment combinator, of type

comment : String => T => T

such that (comment "Foo" action) behaves just as 'action' but stores "Foo" on a stack that is used to explain which actions got triggered.

Also, we could have a mode that displays some of the info being used internally to determine directions, for example an arrow through the path to the closest monster or cherry, or highlighting cells that are not "enSéuritéendant(x)".


the number of cherries, and maybe also their location, should be fixed, otherwise one needs to be just very lucky to get a high score.


there should be a documentation which explains more step-by-step, so that people can actually start solving the thing by themselves, without somebody explaining them ("bogue", then "bouge vers direction", then "siMonstresLoin", then, "siChasseur", then "telQue enSecuritePendant", ...)


by viktor kuncak: some sort of multiplayer version where two (or more) can code "against" each other could create a potentially infinite amount of enthusiasm.

multi-player 2

There should be an internet high-score system, so that people can send in their high score and display it on the web.

improved text editor

automatic indention and highlighting matching paranthesis would help. also, undo with "Control-Z" does not work.

speed adjustment

a slider allowing to adjust the game speed (simple to implement, Settings.sleepTime). For small delayTimes, we should reduce the frame rate (re-compute the frames only in every second iteration)

memory buttons

a set of 3 or 5 memory locations where users can store their code and re-load it later (just in memory is fine)


  • use proguard to create a single .jar
  • applet


make a lot of points

siChasse (
  si (distanceVersCerise > 1) (
    bouge telQue enSecuritePendant(3)
    telQue versUneCerise
    bouge telQue enSecuritePendant(3)
    telQue versUnPoint
    bouge telQue loinDesMonstres
  ) sinon (
    si (distanceVersMonstre < 4) (
      bouge telQue versUneCerise
    ) sinon reste
) sinon (
  si ((distanceVersCerise < 5 &&
        distanceVersMonstre > 8) ||
       distanceVersMonstre > 12 ||
       distanceVersCerise < 2) (
    bouge telQue versUneCerise
    bouge telQue versUnMonstre
  ) sinon (
    bouge telQue versUnMonstre


This program has been written by Gilles Dubochet, Etienne Kneuss and Lukas Rytz.