- 7
Render issue
#35 opened by mzdevmarco - 1
Ripple effect gets interrupted as soon as you release the touch input from the fab
#47 opened by lamba92 - 1
- 0
- 1
no resource found logback-android-core
#44 opened by chipcerio - 4
Request - Floating Action Menu
#4 opened by TurKurT656 - 1
Can't render XML
#42 opened by jujube34 - 1
Background of the button
#41 opened by KanwalPrakashSingh - 1
- 10
Animations not work
#3 opened by Narayane - 5
cant set color of button
#40 opened by PappBalazs - 8
- 7
Remove deprecated API, fix unknown API references
#37 opened by Emeriko - 9
Request - Circular ProgressBar
#13 opened by TurKurT656 - 1
- 0
setSize method doesn't work
#36 opened by SauloCosta10 - 2
Is the way to have margin 0dp?
#34 opened by HormCodes - 7
xml parsing error while setting the animations
#33 opened by shrenikm - 22
FAB sides are not perfectly round
#29 opened by wingoku - 6
move() method smearing on KitKat with snackbar.
#28 opened by marcochin - 2
- 2
FAB position not exactly correct
#30 opened by asbozh - 3
Icon is outside the circle
#27 opened by Pitel - 6
Animations not showing on default
#25 opened by akuji1993 - 3
API level 11 not 9
#26 opened by mksmbrtsh - 2
PayPal donate link returns error
#21 opened by NoahAndrews - 5
Hide FAB onScrollView
#24 opened by douglasscriptore - 4
Hiding and showing on Sections Pager
#23 opened by Twissall - 4
- 3
- 6
Question - Pressed State
#11 opened by TurKurT656 - 6
Move button up and down
#9 opened - 6
ripple effect
#2 opened by daimajia - 2
Changing size of button
#19 opened by ethpran - 2
Make fab appear when scrolling
#17 opened by norrisboat - 5
Lollipop elevation disable shadow
#12 opened by JV-TM - 5
- 1
Won't load in fragment
#10 opened by dmuharemagic - 4
tiny problems
#1 opened by daimajia - 7
onTouchEvent to handle onClickListener
#5 opened by samuelmgalan