
Sample application using Meteor with module spiderable and phantomjs

Primary LanguageHTML

[DEPRECATED] Sample Application with Meteor and PhantomJS

The sample application show how to deploy a Meteor application using PhantomJS on the PaaS Scalingo


This sample is currently deprecated and will not be maintained anymore because the PhantomJS development is suspended.


The spiderable meteor package requires phantomjs to be available to work correctly.


The phantomjs binary is not installed by default in the application environment, so you have to install it as dependency of your application. The package dfischer:phantomjs provides a wrapper around the NPM module phantomjs which installs the correct binary.

Another known issue is that the spiderable package is not working correctly in a dockerized environment: meteor/meteor#2429. Hopefully, the community has developed an alternative package which works as expected: ongoworks:spiderable

meteor create sample-meteor-phantomjs
cd sample-meteor-phantomjs
meteor add ongoworks:spiderable
meteor add dfischer:phantomjs

git init
git add .
git commit -m "meteor project with PhantomJS"
scalingo create spiderable-app
git push scalingo master

At the end of the process, you can access your project. If you have a look at the source, you'll essentialy see a <script> tag including the meteor application

However, if you go to the following URL:


You can see by looking at the generated HTML that PhantomJS has correctly run, the page contains the text of the content. Ready to be indexed.