A Vue.js plugin that handles requesting and refreshing id tokens used to authenticate with an OAuth2 implicit grant using server. Presently contains a module to handle Azure Active Directory OAuth2 token retrieval and refreshing.
npm install --save vue-implicit-auth
vue-implicit-auth requires the use of 'history' mode on vue-router.
import { AuthPlugin, AADDriver } from 'vue-implicit-auth'
Vue.use(AuthPlugin, {
// authStyles contains modules which handle the retrieval and refreshing of id tokens
authStyles: {
"AAD": new AADDriver({
TENANT: "Azure Tenant",
CLIENT_ID: "Application id in Azure",
REDIRECT_URI: "URI to redirect to after a login/logout request"
// baseURL is where the internal configured axios instance will send its requests
baseURL: 'url of your OAuth2 implicit grant using server.'
Interface to authentication functions within vue components
- styles: array of registered authStyles
- idToken: returns the currently stored idToken of null if not logged in
- decodedToken: returns the decoded id token or null if not logged in
- currentAuthDriver: returns the currently active AuthDriver object or null if not logged in
- currentAuthStyle: returns the currently active authStyle or null if not logged in
- login(style): requests an idToken according to the authStyle that is passed in. Will redirect in most cases.
- logout(): deletes the currently stored idToken and redirects to the authStyle's logout endpoint
<h3>List the registered authStyles:</h3>
v-for="style in styles"
{{ style }}
v-for="style in styles"
Login with {{ style }}
<h3>Access the currently active AuthStyle name: </h3>
<p>{{ currentAuthStyle }}</p>
<h3>Access the currently active AuthDriver object with $auth.currentAuthDriver</h3>
<div v-if="isLoggedIn">
<h3>View the stored id token:</h3>
<pre>{{ idToken }}</pre>
<h3>Access properties of stored id token:</h3>
<pre>{{ decodedToken }}</pre>
<button @click="logout">Logout</button>
export default {
name: 'auth-plugin-example',
computed: {
styles () {
// returns an array of registered authStyles
return this.$auth.styles
idToken () {
// returns the currently stored idToken of null if not logged in
return this.$auth.idToken
decodedToken () {
// returns the decoded id token or null if not logged in
return this.$auth.decodedToken
currentAuthDriver () {
// returns the currently active AuthDriver object or null if not logged in
return this.$auth.currentAuthDriver
currentAuthStyle () {
// returns the currently active authStyle or null if not logged in
return this.$auth.currentAuthStyle
isLoggedIn () {
// if idToken is not null then we are logged in
return this.idToken !== null
methods: {
login (style) {
// requests an idToken according to the authStyle that is passed in. Will redirect in most cases.
logout () {
// deletes the currently stored idToken and redirects to the authStyle's logout endpoint
pre-configured axios instance with custom interceptor to automatically refresh the id token and retry requests on a 401 error.
- Attaches bearer id token to Authorization header
- Only configured when logged in, is null when not logged in.
methods: {
makeGetRequest () {
.then(response => {
this.message = response.data.message
An object which conforms to the AuthDriver interface:
- string idToken (getter/setter)
- object decodedToken (getter)
- void init(Authentication) handle returning from redirect, call Authentication.configureHttp()
- void login() handle flow for retrieving an id token, redirecting if necessary
- Promise<string> backgroundLogin() handle flow for silently retrieving an id token from an OAuth2 provider
- void logout() handle flow for clearing id token data and calling the logout endpoint on an OAuth2 provider