Marvel Snap Web Helper

Allows you to see extra contextual information (card text, location text) on mouse over. Only available in /r/MarvelSnap posts for now.

Getting Started

  1. Clone
  2. pnpm install
  3. pnpm run build
  4. Go to chrome://extensions/ in Google Chrome
  5. At the top right, turn on Developer mode.
  6. Click Load unpacked.
  7. Find and select the the dist/ folder in the root of this project (generated from step 3).

Making Changes

  1. pnpm run build:watch (only do this once at the start)
  2. Make code changes
  3. If you made changes to any file outside of src/, restart the build script
  4. Go to chrome://extensions/ in Google Chrome
  5. Click the reload icon in the bottom right of the extension card
  6. Refresh any other pages you were testing
  7. Repeat from step 1

Using the Extension

  1. Go to
  2. Select any post and scroll down to the comments
  3. Any text related to a card or location should have a dashed underline
  4. Mouse over the text and you should see a popover with the card information