
Modded AV Pro 2 Timeline Playables for enhanced video playback via the timeline.

Primary LanguageC#

AV Pro 2.x Timline Package Mod

This modified version of the AV Pro Timeline package provides enhanced functionality for better previewing of video assets using the timeline while in edit mode as well as options for frame accurate playback useful for recording from Unity at less than realtime frame rates.


To install this mod, follow the AV Pro documentation for enabling the Timeline package in your project. Once enabled, replace the source files in your AV Pro source folder Assets\AVProVideo\Extensions\Timeline with the 4 files provided (and optionally the editor folder + editor script)

New Features

  • Frame Accurate Seek - When this option is enabled on the Media Control Asset Clip, the video will be forced to seek using the timeline playhead in both play and edit modes (taking into account any starting offset of course). This option is most useful for accuratly timing events frame to frame on the timeline while editing and for recording out of Unity at less than realtime frame rates -- it should not be used for realtime playback in playmode as it will dramatically slow the playback down while it seeks to new frame. Please note your video's ability to seek accurately is very dependent on the codec. For instance, when using standard H.264 codec, increasing the frequency of iFrames in your video stream will greatly improve the functionality and results of your recording from unity. Please see the specification for your video codec to ensure fast scrubbing.
  • Preload Time - This preload time in seconds set on the Media Control Asset Clip is the amount of time before the clip begins that the media will be loaded by the media player ensuring that there is will be no delay between loading and playback. Please note that the media player component must be active and enabled at the time the preload hits or you will recieve an error due to a coroutine not being able to start.
  • Capture Settings - For convenience, we've included an editor script that allows toggling of this frame accurate seeking across all clips in an active timeline (and it's nested sub-timelines). You will find this new option under the menu Capture > VideoCapture. In this window, you can connect a playable director from your scene. This playable director's timeline (and nested sub-timelines) will be searched for Media Control Assets. The toggle button allows all clips to have their Frame Accurate Seek option toggled on or off all at once. This is useful when preparing a realtime project with many video assets for a capture out of Unity.