
:cop: GitHub Bot For Validating Pull Request Mergability Requirements and Issues Structure

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Waffle.io - Columns and their card count https://github.com/Schachte/Git-Enforcer/issues

Git Enforcer is an open-source linter bot to faciliate collaboration efforts. Git Enforcer validates user-defined pull request structure, ensures approval requests don't go stale, validates issues follow a specific format, sends SMS alerts on PR status checks, allows for label customizability & more!

Inspired by Justin Law @jusx

Table of Contents:

Priority Roadmap

Table Last Updated: 5/13/2018 (More detailed progress board can be found here)

Priority Items In Construction ETA Completed
Issue title prefix/suffix requirements 05/15
Issue required assignee check 05/15
Issue required milestone check 05/15
Issue required label assignment 05/15
Issue required milestone check 05/15
Issue required REGEX on title 05/14
Improving, Testing & Refactoring 05/15
Fully Issue Analysis Support 05/19
Pull Request Prefix/Suffix Requirement with Status Check 05/19
Pull Request Contains REGEX in Title with Status Check 05/21
Pull Request Contains REGEX in Body with Status Check 05/21
Pull Request Contains Required Assignee Status Check 05/22
Pull Request Contains Required Project Status Check 05/22
Pull Request Contains Required Milestone Status Check 05/24
Sending reminder notifications to requested reviewers to do a code review 05/26
Requiring issue number regex existence in PR body 05/26
Providing instructions on instantly rolling your own server to run bot 05/26

Example Issue Validation Analysis

Issues Validation Support

Currently, the following things are supported for issues:

Feature Description Config Mapping
Issue Title Prefix Check Enforcing that an issue title must be prepended with a user-specified string title_must_be_prefixed
Issue Title Suffix Check Enforcing that an issue title must be appended with a user-specified string title_must_be_suffixed
Required Issue Labelling Requires new issues to have at least N (user-specified) amount of labels validate_label_population
Auto Label On Failure Will auto-label issues that fail spot-check tbd
Milestone Checker Verification Verfifies issues assigned a milestone or a particular milestone tbd
Assignee Checker Vericiation Verfifies an assignee has been added to a particular milestone tbd

Pull Request Validation Support


Example Configuration .yml

The configuration for Git-Enforcer is extremely customizable. As a result, the config file is quite large. Not everything needs to be used or enabled, however, you can freely toggle things on and off through the file place in the .github/git-enforcer.yml location of your repo.

# This is a sample YML file for structuring your PR mergability requirements and
# issues that are created within your repository or organization.
# Any any time you want to ignore a particular rule, comment it out or don't add
# it into the file.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ---------------------------
# Issue Policy Configuration:
# ---------------------------
# add_label_on_failure            : Add custom label to issues that fail git-enforcer check
# title_must_contain              : Require issue title to contain a specific pattern
# title_must_not_contain          : Require issue to NOT contain a specific pattern in title
# title_must_be_prefixed          : Require text prefix to all issue titles
# title_must_be_suffixed          : Require text suffix to all issue titles
# validate_label_population       : Require labels to be populated on all issues
# validate_assignee_population    : Require assignees to be added to all issues
# milestone_required              : Require all issues to be assigned a milestone
# ---------------------------------
# Pull-Request Policy Configuration:
# ---------------------------------
# approvals                       : Require N no. of approvers to pass status check
# title_must_contain              : Pattern match on title to pass status check
# title_must_not_contain          : Pattern match to not contain in title 
# title_must_be_prefixed          : Require title prefix to pass status check
# title_must_be_suffixed          : Require title suffix to pass status check
# commits_must_be_prefixed        : Require commit prefix to pass status check
# commits_must_be_suffixed        : Require commit suffix to pass status check


# Here is an example git-enforcer policy. A more detailed policy guide can be
# found within the GitHub readme.
      color: "FFA500"
      name: "Issue Failure"
      pattern: null
      pattern: null
      prefix: "[GIT-ENFORCE]"
      suffix: SUFFIX
      message: "Don't create issues with no labels!"
      message: "Remember to choose at least one assignee to this issue!"
      message: "A milestone is required to be selected when making a new issue"
      required_milestone_name: null
      number: 0
      pattern: null
      pattern: null
      prefix: null
      suffix: null
      prefix: null
      suffix: null

Setup Local Environment

# Install dependencies
npm install

# Run the bot
npm start

Check out smee to proxy requests to local environment, local tunnel or NGINX