This polyfill takes the official CSS filters syntax and translates it to the different equivalent techniques that the browsers know for those effects
- 0
Not working with hex values
#20 opened by Kexas - 0
Global variables
#17 opened by sp00n - 2
allow em-values
#14 opened by danielgruber - 1
Feature request: Online generator
#16 opened by LeaVerou - 4
Feature/hack request: retaining sharp edge of the blurred content container
#13 opened by smokingbarrel - 2
SVG-filters render in different colorspace
#15 opened by ayapi - 1
Chrome 28 borked (Don't hide your brightness under a black box, oh no! You've got to let it shine...)
#7 opened by katowulf - 1
Use master as the default branch
#10 opened by mariuswilms - 1
Remove the minus + double the pixelradius
#5 opened by lemnis - 3
With subdomain?
#8 opened by Matt2012 - 1
Provide links to spec and Can-I-use
#6 opened by simevidas - 4
SVG elements "take space" on page
#3 opened by Golmote - 1
Possible for IE 10 to use SVG?
#4 opened by kilokeith - 2
Unnecessary stylesheet caching?
#2 opened by stucox - 2
Any chance to add missing browsers?
#1 opened by anselmh