
E-commerce CRUD App: A Spring Boot application for managing products, clients, carts, and invoices. Features include CRUD operations for all entities, with data persistence via MySQL and API documentation via Swagger. Built with Spring Data JPA, Lombok, and Springdoc OpenAPI.

Primary LanguageJava

E-commerce CRUD Application


This project is a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application for an e-commerce system, developed with Spring Boot and MySQL. The application provides an interface for managing products, clients, shopping carts, and invoices. It uses Spring Data JPA for database persistence and Spring Web for creating RESTful services.


  • Product Management: Create, retrieve, update, and delete products.
  • Client Management: Register, retrieve, update, and delete clients.
  • Cart Management: Add products to a cart, retrieve carts by client, and remove products from the cart.
  • Invoice Management: Create invoices for clients and retrieve invoices by client.

Technologies Used

  • Spring Boot: Main framework for application development.
  • Spring Data JPA: For data persistence management.
  • MySQL: Relational database for storing information.
  • Lombok: Simplifies code with automatic getters, setters, etc.
  • Springdoc OpenAPI: For automatic Swagger/OpenAPI documentation generation.


  1. Database: Configured for MySQL. Adjust credentials in application.properties.
  2. Dependencies: Managed via Maven. Includes Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, MySQL, and Lombok.
  3. API Documentation: Access Swagger documentation at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html when the application is running.

API Endpoints

  • Products: /api/v1/products
  • Clients: /api/v1/clients
  • Carts: /api/v1/carts
  • Invoices: /api/v1/invoices

Example Usage

  • Add Product to Cart: POST /api/v1/carts/{clientId}/{productId}/{quantity}
  • Remove Product from Cart: DELETE /api/v1/carts/{cartId}?clientId={clientId}
  • Create Invoice: POST /api/v1/invoices

Installation and Running

  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/your_username/your_repository.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory.
  3. Run mvn spring-boot:run to start the application.


Contributions are welcome. Please submit a pull request or open an issue to discuss improvements.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.