
Write V3 strategies for a V2 vault.

Primary LanguageSolidity

V2 Base Strategy Adapter

This repo is to allow you to write a strategy for YearnV3 that will work with a Yearn V2 vault.

All adaptations are already implemented in BaseStrategyAdapter.sol.

You will only need to override the functions in Strategy.sol of '_deployFunds', '_freeFunds', '_harvestAndReport' and '_emergencyWithdraw'. With the option to also override '_tend' and 'tendTrigger' if needed.

NOTE: This cannot be used for V2 Gen lender plugins. Plugins should be ported completely to V3 and not use an adapter using the Tokenized Strategy Ape Mix.

Using Brownie

This repo utilizes Ape Worx, however the adapter can also be used in an existing Brownie repositories in order to not have to migrate tests.

Simply copy and paste the Strategy.sol and BaseStrategyAdapter.sol contracts into your Brownie repo in replace of the current Strategy.sol contract and continue to override the same functions you otherwise would have. All existing tests should function properly if logic is implemented properly.

NOTE: You will need to adjust the import path on line 8 of BaseStrategyAdapter.sol for the Brownie specific dependencies.

How to start using Ape

Fork this repo

git clone https://github.com/user/V2-Base-Strategy-Adapter

cd V2-Base-Strategy-Adapter

Set up your virtual enviorment

python3 -m venv venv

source venv/bin/acitvate

Install Ape and all dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt


ape plugins install .

ape compile

ape test

Set your enviorment Variables

export WEB3_INFURA_PROJECT_ID=yourInfuraApiKey

See the ApeWorx documentation and github for more information.