Tokenized Strategy Mix for Yearn V3 strategies

This repo will allow you to write, test and deploy V3 "Tokenized Strategies" using Ape Worx.

You will only need to override the three functions in Strategy.sol of _deployFunds, _freeFunds and _harvestAndReport. With the option to also override _tend, _tendTrigger, availableDepositLimit, availableWithdrawLimit and _emergencyWithdraw if desired.

For a more complete overview of how the Tokenized Strategies work please visit the TokenizedStrategy Repo.

How to start


Python >=3.8.0, <=3.10
Node.js >=14

Fork this repository

git clone

cd tokenized-strategy-ape-mix

Set up your virtual environment

python3 -m venv venv

source venv/bin/activate

Tip: You can make them persistent by adding the variables in ~/.env (ENVVAR=... format), then adding the following in .bashrc: set -a; source "$HOME/.env"; set +a

Install Ape and all dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt


ape plugins install .

ape compile

ape test

Set your environment Variables

export WEB3_INFURA_PROJECT_ID=your_infura_api_key

export ETHERSCAN_API_KEY=your_api_key

Tip: You can make them persistent by adding the variables in ~/.env (ENVVAR=... format), then adding the following in .bashrc: set -a; source "$HOME/.env"; set +a

Strategy Writing

For a complete guide to creating a Tokenized Strategy please visit:

See the ApeWorx documentation and github for more information.