
Puncto PHP web framework

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Puncto PHP web framework

Very early alpha, DO NOT USE



Puncto is not available on Packagist, in order to test it please use the following Composer configuration:

  "minimum-stability": "dev",
  "repositories": [
      "type": "vcs",
      "url": "https://github.com/Schlipak/puncto.git"
  "require": {
    "schlipak/puncto": "*"

This configuration is bleeding-edge, as the framework is not stable yet. Use this for testing or development purposes only. Puncto is NOT production ready yet.


Directory structure

├── app
│   ├── assets
│   ├── controllers
│   │   └── HomeController.php
│   └── templates
│       ├── home.html.php
│       └── partials
│           ├── _header.html.php
│           └── _head.html.php
├── composer.json
├── composer.lock
├── config
│   └── routes.json
├── index.php
├── rewrite.conf
└── vendor
  • The app/ directory contains your app code and assets
  • The config/ directory contains your app configuration files
  • index.php is the entry file for your app
  • rewrite.conf: Or equivalent depending on the serveur you use. All URLs should be redirected to index.php.
    • You can use the builtin PHP development server for testing purposes: php -S localhost:8080 index.php

Entry file

The index.php file is the entry file for your application. Here is an example usage:


require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Puncto\Application;

// Create a new Puncto application
// The name will default to `app`
// The app name will also be used as an namespace for your controllers and classes
$app = new Application('puncto-demo');

$app->configure(function ($config) {
    // Set up a static asset path
    // Assets will be served from the URL /assets/ASSET_FILENAME
    // Loads routes from the config file (see Route configuration)

    // Declare `users` as a resource
    // This will assume the existance of a `APP_NAMESPACE\UserController` class
    // and add the `index`, `show`, `create`, `update`, and `delete` routes
    // You can also declare inline routes by calling a supported HTTP verb on `$config`
    $config->get('/demo', function($request, $env, $params, $renderer) {
      return "Demo content";

Route configuration

The route configuration file should follow the following format:

  "get": {
    "/": "Home#index",
    "/demo": "Demo#index"
  "post": {
    "/data": "Data#echo"

Supported HTTP methods:

  • GET (+ HEAD)
  • POST
  • PUT

Each method defines a series of URLs, which map to a controller action, formatted as ControllerName#actionName. A controller named Home in the route configuration will automatically map to the APP_NAMESPACE\HomeController class.


A typical controller is a class exposing public methods which have access to the request, and return a rendered template. Puncto has no support for Models (for now), so any database call must be done manually. (sorry)


// The namespace must correspond to the application name given in Puncto\Router#register
namespace MyApp;

use Puncto\Controller;

// Controllers must extend the Puncto\Controller class
class HomeController extends Controller
    // Any public method can be used as a controller action
    public function index()
        // use #appendContext to make variables visible to the template
            'title' => 'Puncto | Home',

        // Controllers must return a render or a string
        // Calling $this->render('home') will render the template in app/templates/home.html.php
        return $this->render('home');

Templates and partials

Templates and partials are PHP files ending in .html.php, located in the app/templates/ directory.

Partial filenames must be prefixed with a _ and are located in app/templates/partials/.

You can put templates and partials in subdirectories.

  • A template located at app/templates/home/index.html.php should be named as home/index when rendered by a controller.
  • A partial located at app/templates/home/partials/_navbar.html.php should be named as home/navbar when included with the #partial method.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<?php include $this->partial('head') ?>
  <?php include $this->partial('header') ?>


    <p>More text</p>
    <p><?= $this->escape($value) ?></p>