
Schlipak prompt theme for fish shell

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Schlipak theme for fish

This theme is based on agnoster theme, but isn't Powerline-themed. It features a two line prompt, showing info such as:

  • If the previous return status was different than 0
  • If the current user is root
  • If there are background jobs
  • The current username and host (host::user by default)
  • The current working directory, without the usual fish abbreviation
  • Status info if the current directory is a Git/SVN/Mercurial repository
  • On a new line, the prompt arrow. Turns to a red #> if the user is root.



This theme can easily be installed using Oh-my-fish.

omf install https://github.com/Schlipak/theme-schlipak
omf theme schlipak

If you don't use Oh-my-fish:

  • Replace your ~/.config/fish/functions/fish_prompt.fish file.
  • Or clone this repository somewhere, and replace that same file with a symbolic link to this repository's fish_prompt.fish. This will allow you to update the theme only by running git pull in the directory you cloned the theme to.


This theme will work as is out of the box. However, it provides you with a set of variables that you can override in your config.fish to change its look.

  • theme_display_user (yes/no) Hides or displays the username (Default yes)
  • theme_display_user_reverse (yes/no) Reverses the order of the user/hostname display (Default yes, host/user)
  • theme_use_short_pwd (yes/no) Shortens the displayed current directory (Default no)
  • theme_use_short_git_branch (yes/no) Shortens the displayed git branch. This is intended for a custom branch format (initials/TASK-NUMBER/description) and will not work properly for others (Default no)
  • theme_user_capitalize (yes/no) Capitalizes the username (Default yes)
  • theme_host_capitalize (yes/no) Capitalizes the hostname (Default yes)
  • theme_segment_separator (string) Sets the separator between segments. Includes spacing
  • theme_user_separator (string) Sets the separator between the host and username
  • theme_prompt_arrow (string) Sets the character following the $ at the end of the prompt
  • theme_segment_separator_color (color) Sets the color of the segment separator
  • theme_user_separator_color (color) Sets the color of the host/user separator
  • theme_host_color (color) Sets the color of the hostname
  • theme_user_color (color) Sets the color of the username
  • theme_pwd_color (color) Sets the color of the current working directory

Colors can be any of:

  • black
  • red
  • green
  • brown
  • yellow
  • blue
  • magenta
  • purple
  • cyan
  • white

Those will correspond to your terminal colors. You can also use any hex encoded color, without any # or 0x prefix. To override a variable, use the following syntax in your config.fish file: