Testing the new features of Confluent Platform 7.4 and Data Contracts with Schema Metadata and Schema Rules
Start the docker-compose file:
docker-compose up
Build the project:
gradle clean shadowJar
curl localhost:8081/schemas/types
When it's ready, you should see a list of supported schema types returned:
curl --silent -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.schemaregistry.v1+json" \
--data '{
"schemaType": "AVRO",
"schema": "{\"type\":\"record\",\"namespace\":\"org.matias\",\"name\":\"Message\",\"fields\":[{\"name\":\"greet\",\"type\":\"string\"}]}",
"metadata": {
"properties" : {
"owner": "Firstname Surname",
"email": "emailaddress@example.com"
"tags": {
"message.greet": [ "PII" ]
"ruleSet": {
"domainRules": [
"name": "checkLen",
"kind": "CONDITION",
"type": "CEL",
"mode": "WRITE",
"expr": "size(message.greet) == 4",
"onFailure": "DLQ"
]}}' \
You should see an id returned on success:
curl --silent -X GET http://localhost:8081/subjects/message-value/versions/1 | jq
Run the application with the following arguments:
java -jar build/libs/kafka-producer-application-0.0.1.jar configuration/dev.properties input.txt
For the input.txt file, 2 records should be created:
12:24:14.502 INFO i.confluent.developer.KafkaAvroProducerApplication.lambda$printMetadata$0:69 - Record written to offset 0 timestamp 1683285854087
12:24:14.502 INFO i.confluent.developer.KafkaAvroProducerApplication.lambda$printMetadata$0:69 - Record written to offset 1 timestamp 1683285854480
Run the application with the following arguments:
java -jar build/libs/kafka-producer-application-0.0.1.jar configuration/dev.properties input-fail.txt
You should see the following failure scenario (accompanied by the message going to a DLQ):
14:22:51.798 INFO io.confluent.kafka.schemaregistry.rules.DlqAction.lambda$run$0:76 - Sent message to dlq topic checkLenDLQ
Caused by: org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SerializationException: Rule failed: checkLen
Caused by: io.confluent.kafka.schemaregistry.rules.RuleException: Expr 'size(message.greet) == 4' failed
Connect to the Schema Registry container:
docker exec -it confluent-data-contracts-schema-registry-1 bash
Use the Avro Console Consumer to read from the message
kafka-avro-console-consumer --topic message --bootstrap-server kafka:9092 --property schema.registry.url=http://localhost:8081