- lots of general examples: https://github.com/vdesabou/kafka-docker-playground
cp-plaintext - Minimalistic setup of plaintext CP on k8s
cp-sasl-ldap* - LDAP AuthN callback example
hybrid - (Cloud-)hybrid setups, e.g. self-managed connect
kraft - KRaft-based examples
cluster-linking - Cluster linking
schema-linking - Schema exporter tests
connect - Connector examples
ksqldb - ksqldb examples
clients - Example client applications
datadog - Datadog integration
tools - Tools for testing, e.g. containers with kcat and networking tools
- Option 1 - Add license as a kubernetes secret
echo -n "license=<paste your key here>" > license.txt
kubectl create secret generic confluent-license \
--from-file=license.txt=./license.txt \
--namespace confluent
and reference in spec.license for each relevant component:
secretRef: confluent-license
- Option 2 - Add a global license
helm upgrade --install confluent-operator \
confluentinc/confluent-for-kubernetes \
--namespace confluent \
--set licenseKey=<paste your key here>
and reference in spec.license:
globalLicense: true