This is an example HELM chart that deploys CSM as a common service (not a sidecar) in a fail-safe, replicated way on Kubernetes.
Covered by this example:
- Mounts a secret as a volume with CSM confguration
- Automatically creates services and mappings for all specified ports in range
- Kubernetes Probes
- Service Load-Balancers
- Example for HPA with 80% pod CPU utilization threshold
Not covered by this example:
- CSM configuration itself
- Detailed ingress configuration
Filename | Description |
values-example-LB.yaml |
Simple exanmple for a fail-safe setup with 2 CSM replicas and load-balancer |
values-example-LB-HPA.yaml |
Example with and load-balancer and autoscaling using HPA (horizontal pod autoscaler) that will spin up additional pods above 80% CPU utilization |
Pich and adapt one values-*.yaml to your needs, mount your CSM configuration and you are ready to start !
# Create secret from config
kubectl create secret generic \
csm-service-properties \
# Deploy HELM Chart
helm install csm-helm-test csm_service/ --values csm-service/values.yaml
# Watch the events while the deployment starts
kubectl get events -A -L -w
# Once running, check the logs of CSM
kubectl logs -l --all-containers -f
# Perform Helm tests against the CSM and healthcheck service-ports
helm test csm-helm-test