
A web page to search content via the YouTube API and discover HD quality videos as well as live content.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


'Thinkful Tube' -- YouTube API client-side project from Thinkful's fullstack web development program.


For this project, you will build a page with a simple search form that allows the user to search YouTube videos. Based on the search results the page will display thumbnail images of videos that match the search.

Project Requirements

  • Accept a user search term
  • Get JSON from the YouTube API based on the user search term
  • Display the thumbnail image of the returned videos

Optional Advanced functionality challenges

  • Make the images clickable, leading the user to the YouTube video, on YouTube
  • Make the images clickable, playing them in a lightbox
  • Show a link for more from the channel that each video came from
  • Show buttons to get more results (using the previous and next page links from the JSON)



Toobverse is a platform for users to search for videos on Youtube and stream high quality media as well as discover live content in a sleek and easy-to-navigate user interface.

Built With

  • Production
    • HTML5
    • CSS3
    • JavaScript
    • jQuery
      • Slick - Responsive carousel jQuery plugin
  • Development
    • Gulp
      • Task manager, build step
    • Browsersync
      • Automation tool to make the development process faster.
      • Allows for multiple screens to reload live and all interactions are in synchronization, mirroring actions across every browser on any device located on local network.
    • Babel
      • ES6 support for older environments (IE8 etc)
