
Keyboard shortcuts for Google Chrome

Primary LanguageAutoHotkey


Keyboard shortcuts for Google Chrome

Chromes in-build shortcuts

Almost all shortcuts of this file are already built in Chrome, but often they are hard to reach. So I chose to bind these shortcuts to the keys Ctrl, Windows and Alt combined with the numpad.


Shortcuts concerning the Chrome tabs are controlled using the Ctrl key. To switch to a specific tab use Ctrl + Number, which is already a built in shortcut in Chrome. To open a new Tab use Ctrl + Num0 and to close it use Ctrl + Enter. To switch between tabs you can also use Ctrl + / and Ctrl + *.

Shortcuts concerning a single tab use the Alt key. To go back and forward in this tabs history use Alt + / and Alt + *. To reload a tab use Alt + Enter. To go to the search bar use Alt + Num0.

The windows key combined with a number opens the specific link when searching in the web. You can for example open the first tab of the search using Win + 1.