
Create Kubernetes Cluster + KubeEdge

IMPORTANT KubeEdge will not installed with Kubernetes v 1.22

Kubernetes Cluster: CentOS, Ubuntu Kubeedge Edgenode: CentOS, Ubuntu, Raspberry

To run the ansible playbook use: ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini -K -vv site.yml

-i = use inventory file -K = become root user -vv = verbose level two (debug mode)

Check your kubernetes cluster with kubectl get nodes, if it list your edge node device everything works.


  • Add your client hostname, username and user password to inventory.yml or use ssl certificate for ansible. Look at the cpu architecture (x64, arm or arm64)

  • To set up a lab environment, you need two++ virtual machines (VirtualBox, VMware ...) [VM system requirements minimum: 2 GB RAM 2 CPU (depending on the environment)]

  • Define your kubernetes pod image in group_vars/all.yml https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/cluster-administration/networking/

  • Without DHCP Server, edit hosts data with IP and node name

  • Only tested with Raspberry 4 and Raspios