
Markdown documents illustrating Bayesian computations with R


This R Markdown documents and associated datasets are used for a short course "Bayesian Thinking: Fundamentals, Computation, and Multilevel Modeling" by Jim Albert, Bowling Green State University

Packages -- the following packages available from CRAN are used in these examples and should be installed at first

  • arm - Data Analysis Using Multilevel/Hierarchical Models
  • BayesTestStreak (available from GitHub) - Testing Streakiness in Binary Sequences
  • betareg - Beta Regression
  • brms - Bayesian Regression Models using 'Stan'
  • coda - Output Analysis and Diagnostics for MCMC
  • lme4 - Linear Mixed-Effects Models using 'Eigen' and S4
  • LearnBayes - Functions for Learning Bayesian Inference
  • rethinking - Statistical Rethinking book package
  • rjags - Bayesian Graphical Models using MCMC (JAGS software also needs to be installed)
  • rstanarm - Bayesian Applied Regression Modeling via Stan
  • TeachBayes - Teaching Bayesian Inference
  • tidybayes - Tidy Data and 'Geoms' for Bayesian Models
  • tidyverse - suite of packages of the Tidyverse

Part I - Basic Bayes

  • Streakiness.Rmd -- learning about a geometric proportion
  • Moving_to_NC -- learning about a normal mean with known standard deviation
  • NormalSampling.Rmd - normal sampling model
  • SelectedData.Rmd -- learning about a normal mean observing selected order statistics
  • Intro_to_JAGS.Rmd -- illustration of JAGS for a Poisson log-linear model

Part II - Regression

  • Regression.Rmd -- Bayesian linear regression
  • Worship Data.Rmd - Modeling counts by a Poisson log linear model
  • Attendance.Rmd - Modeling fractions of capacity attendance using a beta regression model

Part III - Multilevel Modeling

  • HomeRun.Rmd -- Modeling home run rates using a varying intercept model
  • BBS_Survey.Rmd -- Multilevel estimate of some trend estimates
  • Coffee_Shop.Rmd - Modeling varying intercepts and varying slopes for waiting times