
Gist by different user

simon-k opened this issue · 4 comments


Is it possible to specify the user of the gist? Let's say the gist is created by another user than the owner of the github repo?

I'm talking about the in

Reading the gist by another user is obviously possible. So you can create a badge in your based on my gist. Like this badge:


Writing the gist by another user is something I never tried. You would definitely need a personal access token ( by that user to be able to write to her gists. Then it may work! I think the gist ID is unique over all users of GitHub.

I tried it out and it works.

The repo running the task is on an organization X and the gist belongs to user Y. No problem as long as I created the access token that allows to write to the gist and used the gist id.

The question has been answered and everything is good. Closing this issue.