This action allows you to create badges for your with which may change with every commit. To do this, this action does not need to push anything to your repository!
Pinned issues
- 4
401 for push action, and OK for PR action
#38 opened by bomzheg - 0
Bulk badge upload
#37 opened by NicoRobertIn - 0
- 3
Improve the instructions in READEME file
#35 opened by eergeek - 0
- 7
Cannot setup job on self hosted runner
#31 opened by LucBerge - 4
The message contain: message: files] files] files] files] files] files] files] files] 21.4%
#32 opened by tvluongict - 1
Thank you!
#30 opened by jzohrab - 8
[BUG] Unauthorized
#15 opened by adam-grant-hendry - 33
How to use it with organizations accounts ?
#14 opened by LexABzH - 0
Write SVG files to gist
#24 opened by runarberg - 4
How to use it with secret gists?
#23 opened by uakram11 - 2
- 4
Workflow triggered by Dependabot fails
#22 opened by grndvl1 - 2
upgrade for node 16
#20 opened by brainfoolong - 1
[FEATURE] Update gist only if changed
#16 opened by MishaKav - 4
- 4
Storing json in wiki ?
#7 opened by ewjoachim - 5
Action sometimes not outputting any results
#5 opened by arifer612 - 3 display domain is blocked
#6 opened by apomalyn - 3
"Bad credentials" bug
#4 opened by HydrolienF - 4
Gist by different user
#2 opened by simon-k - 12
Can this be used for code coverage?
#1 opened by TheJaredWilcurt