
Trivia Game (School project)

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


The Metis2020 is an interactive single player, multi-selection Trivia Game; developed with Unity, C# and C++ with in-line Assembly.


  • Visual Studio 2019 (can also use 2017). Make sure Game development with Unity and Game development with C++ are selected when running Visual Studio Installer.
  • Unity Hub (Download here: https://unity3d.com/get-unity/download . Our application runs on version 2019.2.19f1).
  • GitHub for version control. (could use GitHub Desktop https://desktop.github.com/ or GitBash command line)

Getting Started

  1. Clone GitHub Repository.
  2. Open Unity Hub.
  3. Click Add button and select Metis2020 folder (make sure it contains the Assets folder).
  4. Click on Metis2020 Project in Unity Hub.
  5. Go to Project/Assets/Scenes and open Main scene.
  6. Ensure Edit/Preferences/External Tools/External Script Editor has Visual Studio 2019 (Community) selected.
  7. Go to Assets/Open C# Project this will either open your file explorer from where you need to open the poject's solution or it could open Visual Studio directly.
  8. Visual Studio should have 3 projects under the solution: Assembly-CSharp, Assembly-CSharp-Editor and UnmanagedCode (each one described in the next section). If UnmanagedCode project is not there, it needs to be added to the solution by just Add/New Project.
  9. Make sure UnmanagedCode is in x64 in Configuration Manager.
  10. Build UnmanagedCode project, it will generate an UnmanagedCode.dll file in Metis2020/x64/Debug (file directory).
  11. Copy and paste UnmanagedCode.dll over to Metis2020/Assets.

Application and File Structure

Unity Metis2020 (Unity Hub)

  1. Assets folder:
  • UnmanagedCode: Used to import C++ library (dll).
  • Scripts: C# resources (classes).
  • Scenes: IU container.
  • Resources: Application resources (images, icons, etc).
  • MaterialUI and Animations: resources specific to Unity.
  1. Main component:
  • GameManager: C# container class, conduit between Unity and C#.
  • Canvas: UI controllers.

Solution Metis2020 (Visual Studio)

  1. Assembly-CSharp:
  • MaterialUI: Specific to Unity components.
  • Scripts: C# assests. Anwer.cs and Question.cs: Objects. GameManager.cs: Main class, connects to C++ through DllImport.
  1. Assembly-CSharp-Editor:
  • Specific to Unity components.
  1. UnmangedCode:
  • .h files: Autogenereted haders.
  • UnmanagedCode.cpp: C++ class where we will call the assembly functions.
  • Assembly folder: Contains all of our .asm file(s).

Unity Editor Build Related Comment

  1. After placing UnmanagedCode.dll in the .\Asset\ directory, the game can be built in Unity Editor through File -> Build And Run or Ctrl+B. You will be prompt a directory to store the executable file.

  2. (Experimental) The game can also be built directly in Visual Studio. First, export the project as a Visual Studio Solution along with all the assets and source code in Unity Editor through File -> Build Settings... or Ctrl+ShiftB. The Build Settings dialog displays. Check the Create Visual Studio Solution check box, and select Build. You will be prompt a directory to store the solution file and associated directories. At the current moment, only Windows x86_64 is a valid target to export.

  3. You may encounter an error message by opening the exported solution file. The exception appears to be thrown by microsoft.servicehub.controller.exe. The error may be similar to "Exception Processing Message 0x00005 Parameters 0x000007fefcee819c 0x000007fefcee819c 0x000007fefcee819c 0x000007fefcee819c." The error does not prevent you to build the solution and generate the working executable. Further investigation is required.

System flow description

As previously stated Metis2020 has been built with Unity Framework. Unity handles all the UI related components (buttons, labels and effects) and the logic/functionality behind for those components was done with C#.

For example: When a user clicks on a button to respond a question it also triggers a series of events like: verifies the correctness of the answer, activates triggers for the button box sliding effect, sets the next question, etc.

The entry point of the game is the void Awake() (constructor) method in class GameManager which is C#

Existing languages integration:

As off 4/5/20 the main methods are written in C#. From C# a DLL generated with C++ gets called and last C++ calls `Assembly.

For example: The GetTimeInSeconds() method which specifies the time interval between questions to be displayed.

1 - C# gets triggered on initial load and calls C++ using the imported DLL:

Void Awake() {
TimeBetweenQuestions = GetTimeInSeconds();

2 - C++ calls Assembly:

int GetTimeInSeconds() {
    return GetTimeInSecondsAsm();

3 - Assembly is where that actual function get executed returning the value needed:

GetTimeInSecondsAsm proc
    mov rax, 3
GetTimeInSecondsAsm endp

4 - Assembly returns the value 3 (number of seconds between questions) to C++, which then sends it to C# which communicates with Unity to assign the giving value to the next question event.

(Descriptive comments have been added to the code that explains intent)