
Interviews repository

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Running the project

You can run this project in development mode by running npm start or alternatively yarn start. This will run the SCSS pre-processors and watch all files for changes. Changes in JS will refresh the app and changes in SCSS files will hot-reload the app.

In case the script doesn't automatically open the app in a browser just open this url


Clone this repository, and push it to your Github account. When you're done just send us the link. Create a page as designed in design/guidePage.png. Please pay attention to:

  • Writing modular & reusable code
  • Handling gracefully route failures
  • CSS3 and using Flexbox
  • Using correct HTML semantics
  • Commiting with messages as if this was a real project
  • Add files as needed The following are considered bonus:
  • Responsive design
  • Animations
  • Any out-of-the-box ideas.

Additional Resources




use the vars/_colors.scss file

Route for fetching the Guide

GET https://gist.githubusercontent.com/asafda/487838553bd12070f46acb028e69a4ac/raw/c6de80cde02ca17231ce68992a5311e2b358aa30/getPost.js

Route for fetching a list of Guides


Good Luck 😃