
bc13_final-project_front-end-zen-coders created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Hobi is a community sharing platform for people to be able to share their skills and learn new things.

This project is coded in Nextjs, it uses Auth0, Tailwind and ...libraries

  • Next JS
  • TailwindCSS
  • Semantic UI React

Unit and E2E testing is done using

  • Jest
  • cypress

Getting Started

  • To Install
    1. Clone the repository;
    2. Run $ npm install
    3. Create .env.local file in the root of the project
    4. ".env.local" must have the following variables:
    5. Below you can find what variables you should
Content of .env.local
  1. MONGODB_DATA_API_KEY='Enter yours'
  2. MONGODB_DATA_API_URL='Enter yours'
  3. MONGODB_DATA_SOURCE=Enter yours
  4. AUTH0_SECRET='Enter yours
  5. AUTH0_BASE_URL='Enter yours'
  6. AUTH0_ISSUER_BASE_URL='Enter yours'
  7. AUTH0_CLIENT_ID='Enter yours'
  8. AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET='Enter yours'
  9. DATABASE_URL='Enter yours'
  10. DATABASE_URL_SKILL='Enter yours'

Attention: the server side has its own repository and you must install the server side first.

Click to access backend repository

#The project is deployed on AWS Amplify