
Tribe App - Family chore planner

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Tribe App


This app was created by a team of six called “Node of Ingenuity” during our School of Code 4-week long final project.

We investigated multiple challenges experienced by individuals attending our bootcamp, and identified a common problem, which was: Family organisation.

Several team members faced difficulties in ensuring family members (and particularly children) were completing chores allocated to them.

This app addresses this problem, allowing users to allocate chores to family members, specify the date a chore should be completed, and mark chores as completed.

This is an app built with a React Native and Firebase, using the Expo framework. The app has been designed to be run on iPhone 11.

We chose this stack as our research indicated that our potential users would much prefer a mobile application. We also wanted to challenge ourselves. The team had not previously worked with React Native or Firebase.




The app can only be run on an Apple machine, because it is run using the Xcode emulator which is only available on Mac.

To run this app:

Download the Xcode emulator from HERE

Follow the instructions to install and run the emulator on your machine.

Next clone down this repository using an IDE such as VS Code.


Run the command Npm i - to install all the necessary dependencies for the repo.

Next, run the command Npm Start - in order to run the repo on your Xcode emulator.


Login Page

Login with existing account

Create Account Page

Create an authenticated account

Family Page

Set up your family - add details of different family members, their names, and whether or not they are a parent.

Add Chores Page

Add chores to be completed, specify completion date and assign to family member.

View Chores Page

View chores and mark as completed.

Dashboard Page

We also have a dashboard page - in which you can view chores, add chores, manage family (add new member etc), show streak.

Streak Page

Streak page - See the number of chores completed


If you have any feedback, please raise an issue in the issues tab or reach out to us on GitHub at:


or on LinkedIn: