
final-project_back-end-the-gits created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageJavaScript

School of Code Final Project (back-end)

Our House - Your one stop shop to organise your home

The brief of our project was to find a solution to a real life problem. As a team, we ideated and reflected on our day to day needs and came up with Our House, and app that helps you organise your household. On the first iteration this included a shared shopping list. The second iteration included a chores list, future iterations will include a shared events/calendar.


A back-end server written with express.js to manage the connection to a mongodb database A REST api availabe for our front-end using no-sql Mongo Database with document objects.


API Reference

Method Path Additional Info Result
GET /api/v1/shopping-list/:id returns all items by shop name
POST /api/v1/shopping-list/ Posts to the database using unique user id Creates a new item
PATCH /api/v1/shopping-list/ Posts to the database using unique user id Edits an item to mark as completed/incomplete

Example GET Response

    "_id": "********",
    "username": "******@hotmail.com",
    "item": "Paint",
    "shoppingListName": "Asda",
    "completed": false,
    "sub": "**************",
    "createdAt": "2022-08-11T14:34:24.922Z",
    "updatedAt": "2022-08-11T14:34:24.922Z",
    "__v": 0
