
noughts-and-crosses-plan-room-43-thomas-jack-and-eddie created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Thinking in React Recap

Noughts and Crosses

Remind me about Computational Thinking

  • Understand the problem
  • Break things down into sub-problems
  • Look for patterns and generalise
  • Make a model of the real world
  • Write an algorithm
  • Translate into code

Play some games of noughts and crosses

Find an online version for them to play, or just a collaborative drawing app like Zoom Whiteboard

Play another, write down everything that happens step by step

  • Draw a 3x3 grid of squares
  • Pick a player to go first
  • Pick a value (X)
  • Pick a square
    • if the square is not empty, you can't pick it
    • if the square is empty, you can pick it
  • Check if someone has won
    • if someone won, the game ends and they are declared the winner
  • Next player
  • Pick a value (O)
  • Pick a square
    • if the square is not empty, you can't pick it
    • if the square is empty, you can pick it
  • Check if someone has won
  • Next player (X)
  • ...
  • Someone won, game ends

Look for patterns in these steps

Player Move:

  • Pick a square
    • if the square is not empty, you can't pick it
    • if the square is empty, you can pick it
  • Check if someone has won
    • if someone won, the game ends and they are declared the winner
  • Next player

Model to represent the aspects we need

  • Players - X or O
  • Board - [], [[]], string, number if you really wanted (each number represents a possible board state)

*There are 9 positions and an alphabet with 3 letters (X, O, empty). Total number of possible combinations is 3^9 = 19683. There are 5477 possible legal game states.

Plan -> Algorithm

  • Draw a 3x3 grid of squares
  • First player is X
  • Player Move:
  • Choose a square
    • if the square is not empty, you can't pick it
    • if the square is empty, you can pick it - put the player symbol in that square
  • Check if someone has won
    • how?
    • if they won, game over
    • if not, next player move

Remind me about Thinking in React

State, behaviour, dependencies, show -> State, functions, props, render

React Plan

Wireframe. View parts. Behaviour parts.

Your turn: X

Goes to these components:

  • Game
    • State
      • State = [null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null] <- "X", "O", or null
      • x's turn = true | false
    • Behaviour
      • make a move
        • if the square is not empty, you can't pick it
        • if the square is empty, you can pick it - put the player symbol in that square
      • check winner
        • check if there's matching symbols in rows, columns, or diagonals
        • if there is, the game ends and the symbol wins
        • if the board is full, the game ends as a draw
    • Render
      • Board
      • Who's turn is it?
      • Winner
  • Board
    • Props
      • board
      • make a move
    • Render
      • Squares - 1 for each item in board, arranged into a grid
  • Square
    • Props
      • make a move(onClick)
      • value is passed into a prop (what to put in the square)
    • Render
      • "", X, or O

Further plan

We need to take in player move as they select a square Using onClick from the player The square needs to store the value handed to a prop that gets passed to the Square Function