
w20_final-project-team-f created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Netlify Status

About the Project

This project was created as a final project for our participation in the 2021 School of Code Bootcamp. NutriGlow React app was created by Shola Quadri, Alina Savin, Amina Afzal and Jack Browne in collaboration with Health Life Nutrition.


NutriGlow is a health and wellbeing web-app for pregnancy and parenthood designed to guide people with specific dietary requirements towards a healthy balanced diet and lifestyle. The app allows the user to access information, tailored recipes and track their progress with a sign up account feature.

Built with

  • React
  • Sass
  • Material UI
  • Firebase
  • Jest

Getting Started


  • npm npm install | npm@latest -g
  • Ensure correct folder is selected, i.e. cd nutri-glow/client


  1. Get a free API key at https://edamam.com

  2. Get Firebase configuration at https://firebase.google.com

  3. Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/SchoolOfCode/w20_final-project-team-f.git
  1. Go to the project directory
  cd nutri-glow/client
  1. Install dependencies
  npm install
  1. Start the server
  npm run start
  1. Enter your configuration key in firebase.js


App: react, react-countdown, react-dom, react-router-dom, react-scripts, react-icons, node-sass
Testing: react-testing-library, Jest

Running Tests

To run the unit tests (utilising Jest and react-testing-library), enter the following command:

    npm test

Project Management and Understanding the Problem

We have used Trello and Jira to define and keep track of epics and team progress. We have also outlined a Project timeline to manage our coding sprints, expectations and progress. All screenshots, documents and ideas were saved and recorded in a shared Google drive.

We also had stand-ups every morning where we would outline the plans for the day and any issues that team members encountered during the previous day.

Team Members & Project Contribution

  • Shola Quadri (Project Manager, Marketing Expert, UX/UI & Full Stack Development) Twitter LinkedIn
  • Alina Savin (Front End Development, UX/UI) LinkedIn
  • Jack Browne (Front End Development, UX/UI) LinkedIn
  • Amina Afzal (UX/UI)


  • School of Code
  • Stuart Davies
  • Jordan Linton
  • Arshi Sheikh
  • Tom Dodd

Created by Team NutriGlow