
Presentation for FOSSGIS 2014 "Maps for ESA"

Maps for ESA

Presentation for FOSSGIS 2014 in Berlin.

Running presentation

Point your browser to the online presentation or serve locally.

git clone git@github.com:Schpidi/fossgis2014_maps-for-esa.git
cd fossgis2014_maps-for-esa
npm install
grunt serve

Creating presentation

After creating a new repository at GitHub without initializing it run the following.

mkdir fossgis2014_maps-for-esa
cd fossgis2014_maps-for-esa
git init
git branch -m master gh-pages
git remote add git@github.com:Schpidi/fossgis2014_maps-for-esa.git
git submodule add https://github.com/Schpidi/reveal.js.git
cd reveal.js/
git checkout eox_box
git pull origin eox_box
cd ..
git add reveal.js/

ln -s reveal.js/Gruntfile.js Gruntfile.js
ln -s reveal.js/package.json package.json
npm install

echo "node_modules/" >> .gitignore
git add Gruntfile.js package.json .gitignore
git commit -m "Adding reveal.js."

cp reveal.js/index.html .
# Edit index.html to your liking
git commit index.html "Adding presentation."