
Graphical user interface for Theta applications.

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Graphical user interface for Theta applications (Schrausser, 2009) within ConsoleApp_DistributionFunctions (Schrausser, 2023), generating distributions and estimators for several parameters $\theta$ via bootstrap method, with given number of resamples $B$, where bootstrap estimator










Usage: Theta [sd] [min] [max] [qq] [q] [v] [s] [[x]] [[g]]
 [sd]  ........... Seed: |0| Zeitwert
 [min] ........... R Minimalwert
 [max] ........... R Maximalwert
 [qq]  ........... Theta-Theta/
 [q]   ........... Theta:
                   |0| Harmonisches Mittel (HM)
                   |1| Arithmetisches Mittel (AM)
                   |2| Summe (SUM)
                   |3| Standardabweichung (SD)
                   |4| Populationsvarianzschaetzung (VAR)
                   |5| Produktsumme(PSM)
                   |6| Geometrisches Mittel(GM)
                   |7| Schrausser's d (D)
                   |8| DvarO (DV)
 [v]  ...........  n zu Theta (v)
 [s]  ...........  n Subpopulationen (s)
 [x]  ...........  Vergleichswert x
 [g]  ...........  |1| Wertebereich ganzzahlig

Theta Q

Usage: Theta_Q [sd][min][max][qq][qp][qs1][qs2][qQ][v][m][n][s] [[x]] [[g]]
 [sd]  ........................... Seed: |0| Zeitwert
 [min] ........................... R Minimalwert
 [max] ........................... R Maximalwert
 [qq]  ........................... Theta-Theta/
 [qp]  ........................... Theta P/
 [qs1] [qs2] ..................... Theta S1, S2:
                                   |0| Harmonisches Mittel (HM)
                                   |1| Arithmetisches Mittel (AM)
                                   |2| Summe (SUM)
                                   |3| Standardabweichung (SD)
                                   |4| Populationsvarianzschaetzung (VAR)
                                   |5| Produktsumme(PSM)
                                   |6| Geometrisches Mittel(GM)
                                   |7| Schrausser's d (D)
                                   |8| DvarO (DV)
 [qQ]  ........................... Theta Q:
                                   |1| Differenz
                                   |2| Quotient
                                   |3| Summe
                                   |4| Produkt
 [v]  ...........................  n zu Theta P (v)
 [m]  ...........................  n zu Theta S1 (m)
 [n]  ...........................  n zu Theta S2 (n)
 [s]  ...........................  n Subpopulationen (s)
 [x]  ...........................  Vergleichswert x
 [g]  ...........................  |1| Wertebereich ganzzahlig

Theta Qv

Usage: Theta_Qv [sd][min][max][qq][qp][qs1][qs2][qQ][QQ][v][n][s] [[x]] [[g]]
 [sd]  ........................... Seed: |0| Zeitwert
 [min] ........................... R Minimalwert
 [max] ........................... R Maximalwert
 [qq]  ........................... Theta-Theta/
 [qp]  ........................... Theta P/
 [qs1][qs2]....................... Theta S1, S2/
 [qQ]  ........................... Theta Q:
                                   |0| Harmonisches Mittel (HM)
                                   |1| Arithmetisches Mittel (AM)
                                   |2| Summe (SUM)
                                   |3| Standardabweichung (SD)
                                   |4| Populationsvarianzschaetzung (VAR)
                                   |5| Produktsumme(PSM)
                                   |6| Geometrisches Mittel(GM)
                                   |7| Schrausser's d (D)
                                   |8| DvarO (DV)
 [QQ]  ........................... Theta Theta Q:
                                   |1| Differenz
                                   |2| Quotient
                                   |3| Summe
                                   |4| Produkt
                                   |5| Korrelation
                                   |6| Kovarianz
                                   |7| Determinationskoeffizient
                                   |8| Redundanz
 [v]  ...........................  n zu Theta P (v)
 [n]  ...........................  n zu Theta S1,S2 (n)
 [s]  ...........................  n Subpopulationen (s)
 [x]  ...........................  Vergleichswert x
 [g]  ...........................  |1| Wertebereich ganzzahlig

Theta rQ

Usage: Theta_rQ [sd][min][max][qq][qp][q11][q12][q21][q22][qr1][qr2][qQ][v][m][n][s] [[x]] [[g]]
 [sd]  ....................... Seed: |0| Zeitwert
 [min] ....................... R Minimalwert
 [max] ....................... R Maximalwert
 [qq]  ....................... Theta-Theta/
 [qp]  ....................... Theta P/
 [q11][q12] .................. Theta S11, S12/
 [q21][q22] .................. Theta S21, S22:
                               |0| Harmonisches Mittel (HM)
                               |1| Arithmetisches Mittel (AM)
                               |2| Summe (SUM)
                               |3| Standardabweichung (SD)
                               |4| Populationsvarianzschaetzung (VAR)
                               |5| Produktsumme(PSM)
                               |6| Geometrisches Mittel(GM)
                               |7| Schrausser's d (D)
                               |8| DvarO (DV)
 [qr1][qr2] ...................Theta Regressionen 1,2/
                               |1| Korrelation (kor)
                               |2| Kovarianz (cov)
                               |3| Determinatinskoeffizient (det)
                               |4| Redundanz (red)
 [qQ]  ....................... Theta Q:
                               |1| Differenz (Diff)
                               |2| Quotient (Quot)
                               |3| Summe (Summ)
                               |4| Produkt (Prod)
 [v]  .......................  n zu Theta P (v)
 [m]  .......................  n zu Theta S11,S12 (m)
 [n]  .......................  n zu Theta S21,S22 (n)
 [s]  .......................  n Subpopulationen (s)
 [x]  .......................  Vergleichswert x
 [g]  .......................  |1| Wertebereich ganzzahlig

Theta S

Usage: Theta_S [sd] [min] [max] [qq] [qp] [qs] [v] [m] [s] [[x]] [[g]]
 [sd]  ...................... Seed: |0| Zeitwert
 [min] ...................... R Minimalwert
 [max] ...................... R Maximalwert
 [qq]  ...................... Theta-Theta:
 [qp]  ...................... Theta P/
 [qs]  ...................... Theta S/
                              |0| Harmonisches Mittel (HM)
                              |1| Arithmetisches Mittel (AM)
                              |2| Summe (SUM)
                              |3| Standardabweichung (SD)
                              |4| Populationsvarianzschaetzung (VAR)
                              |5| Produktsumme(PSM)
                              |6| Geometrisches Mittel(GM)
                              |7| Schrausser's d (D)
                              |8| DvarO (DV)
  [v]  .....................  n zu Theta P (v)
  [m]  .....................  n zu Theta S (m)
  [s]  .....................  n Subpopulationen (s)
  [x]  .....................  Vergleichswert x
  [g]  .....................  |1| Wertebereich ganzzahlig


Schrausser, D. G. (2009). ThetaWin: Overview. https://www.academia.edu/81800920

———. (2023). Schrausser/ConsoleApp_DistributionFunctions: Console applicationes for distribution functions (v1.0.0). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7664141