
Pipeline overview and code (including BLT-DCT program) for widespread introgression across a phylogeny of 155 Drosophila genomes

Primary LanguageR

Drosophila Phylogeny Pipeline

🔴 BUSCO processing

  1. Separate single copy BUSCOs from non single copy BUSCOs
  1. Create directories with "clean" IDs
  1. Aggregate BUSCOs into clusters of 1:1 orthologs

🔴 Generation of DNA MSAs using MAFFT v7.427 L-INS-i strategy (most accurate) with minimal SLURM requirements

#SBATCH --time=05:00:00 --ntasks=1 --nodes=1 --mem-per-cpu=3G

mafft --localpair --maxiterate 1000 [in_fasta] > out_fasta.aln


  1. for large MSAs minimal SLUM requirements

#SBATCH --time=100:00:00 --ntasks=15 --nodes=1 --mem-per-cpu=5G

mafft --localpair --maxiterate 1000 --thread 15 [in_fasta] > out_fasta.aln
  1. for ultra-large MSAs minimal SLUM requirements (-- auto option will most likely choose the E-INS-i model)

#SBATCH --time=100:00:00 --ntasks=30 --nodes=1 --mem-per-cpu=10G

mafft --auto --thread 30 [in_fasta] > out_fasta.aln

🔴 Trimming locus MSAs by removing sites that have less than 3 non-gap characters using fasta_site_trim.py

fasta_site_trim.py --Nbase 3 --input [in_fasta]

🔴 Gene (locus) tree inference using IQTREE v1.6.5

iqtree -s [in_fasta.trimmed] -bb 1000 -nt 2 -m GTR+I+G -blmin 1e-300 -safe

🔴 Concatenation of BUSCO MSAs into a Supermatrix using geneSticher.py from Utensils

python2.7 geneSticher.py -in *.aln

🔴 ML phylogenetic inference using IQTREE v1.6.5

#SBATCH --time=100:00:00 --ntasks=15 --nodes=1 --mem-per-cpu=10G

iqtree -s [supermatrix.aln] -nt 15 -m GTR+I+G -pre ML -safe -bb 1000 -alrt 1000 -abayes

🔴 ASTRAL phylogenetic inference using ASTRAL v5.6.3

java -jar astral.5.6.3.jar -i [gene_trees] -t 3

Drosophila Introgression Analysis

🔴 DCT/BLT using blt_dct_test.r

Rscript blt_dct_test.r -t [gene_trees] -s [species tree] -n [node number] -c [cores] -p [prefix] -o [outgroup species]
		input gene trees in newick

	-s CHARACTER, --species_tree=CHARACTER
		rooted species tree in newick

		node number of a tested clade in a species tree

	-c NUMERIC, --cores=NUMERIC
		number of cores for parallel computing

		clade prefix

		outgroup species (only one allowed)

	-h, --help
		Show this help message and exit

Example for clade 1 (use nodelabels() function in ape package to obtain node number):

Rscript blt_dct_test.r -t gene_trees_noboot_dna_mafft -s iqtree_rooted.tre -n 307 -c 10 -p C1 -o Anopheles_gambiae

Interpretaton of the output for a given triplet with taxa A,B,C
clade: clade ID
P1out: outgroup species 1 e.g. if P1out = A, then topology is (A,(B,C))
P2out: outgroup species 2 e.g. if P1out = B, then topology is (B,(A,C))
P3out: outgroup species 3 e.g. if P1out = C, then topology is (C,(A,B))
CountP1: gene tree counts for triplet with the outgroup species A, i.e. (A,(B,C))
CountP2: gene tree counts for triplet with the outgroup species B, i.e. (B,(A,C))
CountP3: gene tree counts for triplet with the outgroup species C, i.e. (C,(A,B))
PvalueChi: Chi-square test P value form comparison of two discordant gene tree counts (e.g. if CountP1 = 140, CountP2 = 23 and CountP3 = 1569, then P value comes from the comparison of CountP1 and CountP2)
meanT_concord: mean value of the genetic distances between sister species obtined from all concordant gene trees (e.g. if CountP1 = 140, CountP2 = 23 and CountP3 = 1569, then meanT_concord comes from the gene trees with the P3out outgroup)
meanT_discord1: mean value of the genetic distances between sister species obtined from all discordant gene trees with the smallest count (e.g. if CountP1 = 140, CountP2 = 23 and CountP3 = 1569, then meanT_discord1 comes from the gene trees with the P2out outgroup)
meanT_discord2: mean value of the genetic distances between sister species obtined from all discordant gene trees with the intermediate count (e.g. if CountP1 = 140, CountP2 = 23 and CountP3 = 1569, then meanT_discord2 comes from the gene trees with the P1out outgroup)
PvalueWCOMC1: Mann–Whitney U test P value from comparison of meanT_concord and meanT_discord1
PvalueWCOMC2: Mann–Whitney U test P value from comparison of meanT_concord and meanT_discord2
PvalueWC1C2: Mann–Whitney U test P value from comparison of meanT_discord1 and meanT_discord2