
POC using Joi to test contracts. Using Open api Pokeapi.

NPM Version



JOI is a library made by the Hapi team that is a Framework for developing applications and services. JOI allows you to create plans or schemas for JavaScript objects and perform validation on them with JOI-Assert.

validations example
Joi.string().required() String and Required
Joi.number().integer().positive() Inteiro, Positivo
Joi.string().valid(‘English’) String, where we will only accept the value 'English'
oi.string().valid([‘movie’, ‘series’, ‘cartoon’]) String, where we will only accept the value informed in the list
Joi.any().allow('Test-1', 'Test-2') Please be informed that we will only accept Test-1 and Test-2
Joi.string().optional().allow(”, null) Please be informed that the property is optional and empty and null is allowed
Joi.boolean().required() Boolean option, in which we will only accept true or false values'1-1-1974') We inform a minimum date for that amount
Joi.string().required() String and Required

For more validations access joi-git


clone the project and run the command below.

npm install


Create a file at the root of the project with the name .env

.env var value


commands tests that are going to run
npm test runs the only test