IntelliJ plugin for continuous OpenAPI linting using the Spectral OpenAPI linter
- 4
Cannot run program "spectral"
#121 opened by dishatkr - 0
rulset not read from private repo
#125 opened by neurohrer-mms - 2
During API Specification Design time, Spectral Rules are not showing up under problems in IDEs/JetRider
#122 opened by iamrajivgithub - 0
Error with OWASP ruleset
#124 opened by xobix - 0
Spectral overrides do not work
#123 opened by bolmstedt - 3
Unclear Instructions for plugin usage in the README
#115 opened by s-yanev - 3
- 11
- 1
Match pattern not working with Windows path style
#102 opened by tintin92350 - 1
Unexpected Error
#88 opened by cluu12 - 4
- 1
#43 opened - 1
Update version of embedded spectral
#44 opened by yspotts - 1
Spectra Plugin failed
#45 opened by TasMot - 1
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Failed to map jar ... kotlin-stdlib-common-1.7.21-sources.jar
#48 opened by philCryoport - 1
Error on IntelliJ startup
#49 opened by bremerjonathan - 1
Error message after update
#50 opened by LutzBettge - 1
#51 opened by vbhaduaria - 1
- 1
this happenned opening IntelliJ
#54 opened by marcelo-sf - 2
Opening a vert.x 4.4.0 with JDK 11
#56 opened by marcelo-sf - 1
- 1
Restart after upgrade to Goland 2022.3.4
#58 opened by csage - 1
#59 opened by le-cardinal - 1
Failure at startup. Looks like Spectral plugin
#60 opened by rLitto - 1
#61 opened by somnpal30 - 1
- 1
Cannot create class com.schwarzit.spectralIntellijPlugin.SpectralExternalAnnotator
#63 opened by jasonhebert - 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
Spectral Plugin issue on RHEL 8
#67 opened by navinyashende - 1
This showed up inadvertently on opening a new project (or rather I noticed it then)
#68 opened by csage - 2
Errors in IDE
#69 opened by ekitrak - 1
Error in Pycharm IDE Professional
#79 opened by panand363 - 1
IDE error occurred
#42 opened by Orussa - 1
- 1
IDE plugin error
#40 opened by Orussa - 1
Throwing errors on normal use
#39 opened by ducksoupdev - 1
Unknown error
#37 opened by rLitto - 1
On Startup
#46 opened by TasMot - 1
#36 opened by AndreasSchultzGEA - 1
Spectral plugin at version 1.0.7 causing error on PHPStorm 2022.1 on MacOSX 12.4 Monterey
#35 opened by pixelfantasy - 1
- 1
Exception throw when idle
#34 opened by Shangquan-Wen - 1
really dont have any idea ho it happened.
#33 opened by ufukemre - 1
failed to map into nio path
#32 opened by camproto - 1
Keep Getting this IDE Error
#31 opened by DougieT91 - 1
- 1
Plugin fails to start
#55 opened by sbucci