
Primary LanguageGDScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Godot Dialogbox Plugin

Made by Laurenz Reinthaler


visible characters: If set true, the characters (letters) show up with the speed determined trough the speed property

Character Speed: Determines how fast the characters (letters) will show up. The smaller the number the faster the text will be.

Play Sound: If set true, the sound will play after every character that showed up

Use Input Trigger: If set true, after the end of every dialog, the plugin waits for the input_trigger

Text: An Array. Can be used in the editor but is not recommended, it works better with code: show_text(["Hi", "how", "are", "you?"])

Input Trigger: The action which is used to confirm the next dialog (must be picked from the InputMap)

Vertical Margin: Is used to determine the vertical position of the textbox (textbox = the text)

Horizontal Margin: Is used to determine the vertical position of the textbox (textbox = the text)

Textbox Size: The size of the text (not the font size, but the size of the whole text)

Sound: Is only played when use_visible_characters and play_sound is true; Plays after after every character

Font: The font of the text

If you have any Issues or ideas open an issue on Github.com: https://github.com/Schweini07/Dialogbox