
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Addressmanagement (addressmgmt)

The Adressmanagement extension is solution for replacing the old tt_address. It is mulitlingual, comes along with list and single view and also includes a map (with MapBox).


The map is connected with MapBox.com:http://mapbox.com. You will need to create an account. With each address item can have store the geoposition (Lat, Lang) or you can also add a GeoJson in a format like

{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[13.47791940161274,51.45391309412658], ...[13.47791940161274,51.45391309412658]]]}}

To see the map you need to insert the Plugin "Address Management", What to display: "List", Show Items by: "Select Manually".

TypoScript Settings / Constants for the Map:


plugin.tx_addressmgmt {	
        # cat=plugin.tx_addressmgmt//b; type=string; label=Map Id (Mapbox.com)
        mapId = 
        # cat=plugin.tx_addressmgmt//c; type=string; label=Access Token (Mapbox.com)
        accessToken = 
        # cat=plugin.tx_addressmgmt//d; type=string; label=Longitude
        longitude =
        # cat=plugin.tx_addressmgmt//e; type=string; label=Latitude
        latitude =
        # cat=plugin.tx_addressmgmt//f; type=string; label=Map Zoom
        mapZoom = 
        # cat=plugin.tx_addressmgmt//g; type=string; label=Max Zoom
        maxZoom = 
        # cat=plugin.tx_addressmgmt//h; type=string; label=Override flexform fields if empty
        overrideFlexformSettingsIfEmpty = mapId, accessToken, longitude, latitude, mapZoom, maxZoom


plugin.tx_addressmgmt {
        overrideFlexformSettingsIfEmpty = {$plugin.tx_addressmgmt.settings.overrideFlexformSettingsIfEmpty}
        mapId = {$plugin.tx_addressmgmt.settings.mapId}
        accessToken = {$plugin.tx_addressmgmt.settings.accessToken}
        longitude = {$plugin.tx_addressmgmt.settings.longitude}
        latitude = {$plugin.tx_addressmgmt.settings.latitude}
        mapZoom = {$plugin.tx_addressmgmt.settings.mapZoom}
        maxZoom = {$plugin.tx_addressmgmt.settings.maxZoom}

To Do

Add to Documentaion how to switch FE Edit Types


[2.1.0] TYPO3 7.6 Compatibility Version [2.1.1] Release with Git Tag

[3.1.1] TYPO3 8.7 Compatibility Version