.NET Standard bindings for Google's TensorFlow for developing, training and deploying Machine Learning models in C# and F#.
- 3
[Question]: Tensorflow.Keras v0.15 usable with .NET 4.8 ?
#1283 opened by abrguyt - 1
[BUG Report]: F tensorflow/core/framework/] DeviceBase does not implement name()
#1275 opened by meizihuai - 3
- 0
[BUG Report]: Loading model error "Constructor on type 'Tensorflow.Keras.Layers.ZeroPadding2D' not found"
#1279 opened by markalroberts - 0
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[Feature Request]: Add .h5 model support.
#1277 opened by Mustenaka - 1
[BUG Report]: Getting error in BatchNormalization(),
#1276 opened by N-E-W-T-O-N - 0
- 0
[BUG Report]: saving model in MacOS fails
#1273 opened by thomasd3 - 0
- 13
Error when saving model using
#1246 opened by le-tan-phuc - 0
Runtime Error when working with Unity
#1271 opened by ShreyPatel1311 - 5
[BUG Report]: Tensorflow.RuntimeError: Tensorflow.NET cannot find a backend despite having installed SciSharp.TensorFlow.Redist on macOS M1
#1249 opened by mariuszmatusiak - 2
[BUG Report]: Cannot find backend on Apple Silicon mac
#1236 opened by ronimizy - 8
Is bidirectional for LSTM even supported ? I am getting empty ( in C#/Tensorflow.NET 0 parameters) [Question]:
#1227 opened by jaroslav-hook - 5
[Performance Issue]: h.5 isn't supported
#1266 opened by Naonao9527 - 1
[BUG Report]: GPU LSTM,erro:System.EntryPointNotFoundException:“Unable to find an entry point named 'TF_GetHandleShapeAndType' in DLL 'tensorflow'.”
#1265 opened by xuse2008 - 0
Error loading or saving model
#1267 opened by svarogaden - 0
When will TF 2.16 be updated?
#1264 opened by xuse2008 - 1
[Question]: Can now work the TextVectorization method?
#1261 opened by Kyokanyou - 0
TensorFlow Serving
#1256 opened by cd028 - 0
#1255 opened by cd028 - 0
- 0
#1253 opened by cd028 - 0
#1252 opened by cd028 - 0
[BUG Report]: load_weights fails to open HDF5 file
#1251 opened by Sahasrara - 1
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[Performance Issue]: Model Convergence issue in Keras with Parallel Execution of the fit() Method ?
#1245 opened by AdrienDeverin - 2
After installing TensorFlow.NET,
#1225 opened by jaroslav-hook - 0
There is no method jacobian() in tf.GradientTape class?
#1244 opened by Kyokanyou - 1
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key '1' was not present in the dictionary.
#1243 opened by wasd52030 - 5
[Performance Issue]: 125x performance difference between Python and TensorFlow.NET
#1241 opened by jameswilddev - 0
[Question]: How to achieve glass breakage detection
#1242 opened by dfengpo - 0
[Feature Request]: TimeDistributed and Dot
#1240 opened by madebycato - 0
[BUG Report]: EarlyStopping Callback Stops Training Prematurely Regardless of Performance Improvement
#1239 opened by Patan77 - 3
- 0
[Question]: How to use regularizer ?
#1237 opened by AdrienDeverin - 5
entry point not found
#1224 opened by tianweimol - 0
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tensorflow.keras is missing NuGet package README file
#1235 opened by lyndaidaii - 0
Breadth-first traversal of augmented graph view causes collection modification exception
#1233 opened by barfeous - 2
[BUG Report]: verbose is always set to 1.
#1231 opened by AdrienDeverin - 0
[Question]: System.NotImplementedException in Tensorflow.Checkpoint.CheckpointPosition._queue_slot_variables
#1230 opened by DenisBauer - 0
- 1
[Question]: Loading Python EfficientNetV2B0 model
#1228 opened by werag55 - 1
[BUG Report]: Model. predict() program crashes
#1226 opened by 13995671008 - 0
Is is possible to implement a custom metric to support R^2 i.e. "Coefficient of determination" for a regression task?
#1222 opened by aidowu1 - 1
[BUG Report]: Deconvolution issue where input shape has 'None' dimensions - Conv2DTranspose()
#1219 opened by PhasonMatrix - 4
Ubuntu Tensor indexer null exception
#1220 opened by yorkshireandrew