
Berkeley FinTech Bootcamp Challenge 03

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Arbitrage Assessment of Bitcoin: Bitstamp vs. Coinbase

Arbitrage Assessment of Bitcoin: Bitstamp vs. Coinbase

According to investorpedia.com, "Arbitrage is the simultaneous purchase and sale of the same asset in different markets in order to profit from tiny differences in the asset's listed price. It exploits short-lived variations in the price of identical or similar financial instruments in different markets or in different forms."


Before attempting to execute any Python code in crypto_arbitrage.ipynb, it is imperative that your development environment holds the following modules:

pandas - Data analysis module.

matplotlib - Data visualization module.

Installation Guide

With your Python 3.7+ environment, run the following commands via CLI:

pip install pandas
pip install matplotlib

Examples below

Program Execution Example

Output File Example


  1. Clone repository onto your personal machine.

  2. Open Jupyter Lab or Jupyter Notebook via Anaconda Navigator and navigate to the directory in which the file crypto_arbitrage.ipynb is present. All relevant code for this repository will be executed via Jupyter Notebook and no output will be printed to the command line. Ensure that all relevant dependencies and Python modules are installed (see Technologies and Installation Guide for more details) before attempting to execute code within Jupyter Notebook; otherwise, you will receive multiple interpreter errors!

  3. With the notebook open, start at the very first cell reading "Crypto Arbitrage" (a cell will be active when a rectangular border is surrounding the area in question). Run each cell in sequential order. It is vital that all cells are ran in sequential order or your notebook will generate compiler errors!.


New development created by Scientia Capital. Code from 'Uploaded Starter Files' commit originates from UC Berkeley Extension FinTech Bootcamp and I do not claim original ownership nor scholarship.


Software tool available for public use.