
Dead simple Python client for PyBossa

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Dead simple Python client for PYBOSSA

Makes it easy to work with PYBOSSA


PYBOSSA Server >= 1.2.0.


You can install pybossa-client using pip, preferably while working in a virtualenv:

$ pip install pybossa-client



>>> import pbclient

# setup the server connection
>>> pbclient.set('endpoint', 'http://pybossa.com')
>>> pbclient.set('api_key', '--your-api-key-here--')

Query a PYBOSSA server:

>>> pbclient.get_projects()

[pybossa.Project("project1", 1), pybossa.Project("project2", 2),
pybossa.Project("project3", 3), pybossa.Project("project4", 4),
pybossa.Project("project5", 5), pybossa.Project("project6", 6),
pybossa.Project("project7", 7), pybossa.Project("project8", 8)]

>>> pbclient.get_tasks(1)
# tasks for project with id=1

[pybossa.Task("Task1", 1), pybossa.Task("Task2", 2),
pybossa.Task("Task3", 3), pybossa.Task("Task4", 4),
pybossa.Task("Task5", 5), pybossa.Task("Task6", 6)]

Create a project:

>>> pbclient.create_project('Name of the Project', 'shortname', 'Description')

Change the long description of a project:

>>> project = pbclient.find_project(short_name='flickrperson')[0]
>>> project.long_description = open('longdesc.html').read()

>>> pbclient.update_project(project)

Replace the task presenter template:

>>> project = pbclient.find_project(short_name='flickrperson')[0]
>>> project.info['task_presenter'] = open('presenter.html').read()

>>> pbclient.update_project(project)

Create a new task:

>>> task_info = {
    'image': 'http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8146/7566819662_f2c74e77d8_m.jpg'
>>> pbclient.create_task(project_id, task_info)

Create a new helping material:

>>> helping_info = {
    'key': 'value'
>>> pbclient.create_task(project_id, helping_info)

>>> helping_info = {
    'project_id': project_id
>>> files: {'file': open('/tmp/img.jpg', 'rb')}
>>> hm = pbclient.create_helpingmaterial(project_id, helping_info, files=files)
>>> print hm.media_url
>>> hm.info['key'] = 'value'
>>> pbclient.update_helpingmaterial(hm)

Note: Categories actions POST, PUT and DELETE are only authorized to admin users.

On queries and performance

There are two different approaches to perform queries with a pagination.

The first one is to use an offset and limit:

>>> projects = pbclient.get_projects(limit=2, offset=2)
# skips first two projects and returns next two

[pybossa.Project("project3", 3), pybossa.Project("project4", 4)]

This approach has the advantage of being more "natural" and high level, but it does not use all the power of the PYBOSSA server software (queries will run slower when the pagination and data sets are high).

But you can also use keyset pagination to take advantage of it in the PYBOSSA API. This drastically increases performance of the API queries, so it is highly recommended to follow this approach.

The only thing it requires is the id of the item from which we want to obtain the results, that has to be passed in the last_id argument. To obtain the same results as in the previous example:

>>> projects_with_last_id = pbclient.get_projects(limit=2, last_id=2)
# next two projects after the project with id=2

[pybossa.Project("project3", 3), pybossa.Project("project4", 4)]

>>> projects == projects_with_last_id

Running the tests

Install the develompment requirements:

$ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

Run the tests:

$ nosetests