
Building a DeFi protocol for ETHGlobal 💪

Primary LanguageSolidity

Morgante protocol


  • Video demo: link
  • Project (brief) description: link

Addresses on Scroll Sepolia (I had some bugs while verifying the contracts):

  • Pool.sol: 0x2b4cEf96b24f968Ae0bddf6C7CF4BA0CBddFA4Ba
  • WBTC: 0x2dB3483bb42eb115A50bC0f2FF61bDfa4f919D19
  • LINK: 0x7e2f41F9b08AC139bc02b420D9ed07D7ea13BdE1


Morgante Protocol is a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform designed to facilitate the creation of a passive and diversificate income stream for lenders, encouraging them to participate in the platform.

The main feature offered by the protocol are flash loans, a type of uncollateralized loan that allows users to borrow assets instantly without providing collateral, provided the borrowed funds are returned within the same transaction block. Despite being quite a lucrative investment, flash loans are considered to be an hazardous financial activity, hence Morgante takes a proactive approach to risk management by strategically diversifying its on-chain investments beyond flash loans.

Flash loan services

Morgante Protocol provides users with access to instant, uncollateralized flash loans. Borrowers can use these loans for various purposes within the DeFi ecosystem, such as:

  • arbitrage;
  • liquidations;
  • other time-sensitive transactions across different protocols in the DeFi space.

Lender yield generation:

Lenders on Morgante Protocol can provide liquidity to the platform. In return for supplying assets, they receive a portion of the fees generated from the flash loans and any other yield generated by the diversified investments proportionally to the provided liquidity. This allows households as well as whales and informated investors to enables users to effortlessly open positions that yield high and consistent returns.

Governance and yield determination:

Morgante Protocol operates as a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). Lenders and borrowers have voting rights based on the amount of Mordred (the protocol governance tokens) they hold. This ensures that the community has a say in the protocol's future upgrades, security measures, and fee structures.

The Mordred stablecoin:

In Morgante Protocol, the concept of "skin in the game" is vital, especially when dealing with informed investors. This principle emphasizes that individuals with a direct stake in an investment are more likely to make prudent decisions, as they bear the risks and rewards associated with their choices. In the context of Morgante Protocol, where flash loans and on-chain investments are seamlessly integrated, the 1:1 relationship signifies a direct alignment between lenders' stakes and their decisions, reflecting the essence of informed investors' commitment. Thus the protocol comes with an algorithmic stablecoin backed by the provided liquidity as governance token, which ideally establishes a 1:1 relation between the voting power and the investor's stake. Furthermore the Mordred stablecoin has the properties of a regular stablecoin and can be used also for

  • micropayments;
  • remittances;
  • as a stable medium of exchange;
  • hedging against volatility.

Security measures:

The protocol employs standard security practices, trying to prevent reentrancy attack and other well known attack.

User-friendly interface:

Morgante Protocol offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface, allowing novice users (the next billion users) to seamlessly participate in flash lending activities.