
Recipes for bringing the power of D3 into p5.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

The p5 D3 Cookbook

The p5 D3 Cookbook is a repository of documented examples for integrating the features of D3 into the p5.js library. D3.js offers a wealth of tools for manipulating data and connecting data to visual representations. p5.js, whose goal is to make coding accessible for artists, designers, educators, and beginners, provides a environment where users can sketch their ideas in code. Used together, these two libraries can be used for a range of applications from introducing beginners to data visualization to creating canvas-based visualizations that take advantage of D3.

If you are looking for recipes and help, please visit the front-page of the cookbook for live examples and commentary.


A special thanks to @iros for her great blog post that laid out a lot of the initial ideas in this repository. Thanks to @sepans for creating initial examples.


Like using both D3 and p5? Got an idea or technique on how to integrate? Please add an example and make a pull request. Make sure your examples are pretty well documented.

Don't like pull requests? Add an issue with a link to CodePen and we'll add the example for you.

Blank CodePen with D3 and p5 already loaded.