
A command line interface for repl.it

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



FOSSA Status

A command line interface for repl.it


Usage: replit [options] [command]

  -V, --version                            output the version number
  --debug                                  Enable debug logging
  -c, --config <filename>                  Location of configuration file (default: "~/.config/.replitcli.json")
  -hc, --hide-connecting                   Don't show 'Crosis connecting' message
  -h, --help                               display help for command

  auth [options]                           Authenticate with the CLI
  bash [repl]                              Open a bash shell in the repl
  local [options] [repl]                   Set the local repl for the a directory
  run [options] [repl]                     Runs, stops, or restarts the repl.
  cp [options] [files...]                  Copies a file from a repl to your computer or vice versa. Prepend a path with repl: to indicate it is on the repl.
  exec [options] <program> [arguments...]  Execute a command in the repl and wait for it to finish
  bulk <args...>                           Run multiple commands without re-opening the connection

Note: output above generated by the command node index.js -h | sed -e "s/$(echo $HOME | sed 's/\//\\\//g')/~/g" | sed -e "s/^Usage: index/Usage: replit/g"

Future Plans

  • Repl info command


FOSSA Status