
A Wolfenstein 3D-esque raycasting game in Go.

Primary LanguageGo

Final Project: A Doom Clone

This is the final project for Game Programming at Concord Academy. My final project is a clone of Doom/Wolfenstein 3D using raycasting for psuedo-3D. The objective of this game is, however, much simpler than Doom or Wolfenstein 3D: To shoot all the targets in a given amount of time.

Controls: W- forward S- backward A- rotate counter-clockwise D- rotate clockwise TAB- Open top-down view 1,2,3- switch between weapons (chainsaw, pistol, shotgun, respectively) Left click to use weapon (hold down for chainsaw)

Here's a screenshot of my progress so far:

Alt text

The DOOM weapon sprites should be creditted to Falcon Delta, and this project uses a Go binding of SFML found here: https://github.com/zyedidia/sfml

The raycasting is based on Lode Vandevenne's tutorial on raycasting using QuickCG in C++, which can be found here: http://lodev.org/cgtutor/raycasting.html