
Private stock trading platform

Primary LanguagePython

Scott's Stocks


A full stack application to help choose stocks for trading algorithms. This also includes a SQLite database of historical data to train the algorithms on.

📝 Table of Contents

🧐 About

With inspiration from several trading and investors across the internet, the goal is to create a full stack application that I can deploy and use as a market trading platform but also a way to find new opportunities.

So far this is a fairly simple project with only limitted support for trading strategies. But I will continue to add more generic strategies and custom ones going forward.

There are also plans to support options and algorithmic trading in the future.

I would love to create a bot that trades throughout the day and posts it's trades/value on a live chart.

Screenshot of GME listing

🎈 Usage

This app is built on FastAPI and Uvicorn. To start a local Uvicorn server run:

uvicorn main:app --reload

Most development happens in the main.py file but there are other scripts to populate your database with stock data.

🚀 Deployment

This app is not ready for deployment as of yet, but to run it locally you need to populate a secrets.py file.

After creating the secrets.py file, you need to run a sequence of scripts to build oyur backend and database.

Run create_db.py to build your SQLite database and schema.

  1. python create_db.py

Run populate_stocks.py to populate the SQLite database with the ticker symbols and information about each company/etf/fund.

  1. python populate_stocks.py

Run populate_prices.py to gather the historical data for each symbol from the Alpaca API.

  1. python populate_prices.py

To Do

  • Generate project scaffolding.
  • Build database and schema.
  • Make scripts to populate DB.
  • Populate the DB.
  • Create front end to display, sort, and find symbols.
  • Create details page to display symbol info.
  • Create trading strategies.
  • Allow application of trading strategies by stock.
  • Basic trading algorithm/bot.
  • Execute trades by user direction.
  • Execute trades by bot direction.
  • Create trade tracker

⛏️ Built Using

✍️ Authors

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.

🎉 Acknowledgements

Check out Part Time Larry for inspiration and tutorials.