
A custom twitch chat bot for my channel.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



A custom Twitch chat bot built by Berdron for his stream.

Table of Contents

  1. About The Project
  2. Usage
  3. Roadmap
  4. Contact

About The Project

Berdron_Bot is a custom chat bot designed for Berdron's unique chatting needs.

This bot contains a unique mix of practical tools and "because I can" tools.

The core functionality of the this bot is to run a local service that twitch chat users can interact with me directly.

There are many features that allow for interaction in chat or on the stream overlay, but I wanted to extend the experience to the physical spaces as well. For this, I am creating a series of devices that will be connected and controlled by Berdron_Bot.

One of the most amusing "because I can" features is how the Raspberry Pi will communicate with all these other devices. A NodeRed docker container will broadcast over a local MQTT network. This is completely unnecessary and therefor exactly what was needed.


To keep the bot beeping along and up to date, I will have a local MongoDB container running along side the bot which will be used to store all the info for the bot consume. There will also be a Redis cache container running that will query the MongoDB anytime there is a new chatter in chat. To ensure continuity, I will set up an off-raspi back-up for the MongoDB.

🔧 Built With 🔧

🚀 Usage 🚀

Most of the bot commands can be found via !bbcommands in twitch chat. I plan to migrate my usages of other bots to the berdron_bot entirely.

Commands that are being implemented now:

  • !bbcommands - send a link to the list of commands, here
  • !setcolor - set the color for yourself in chat
  • !getcolor - get the color you have set
  • !clearcolor - reset your color -> randomly selected for now
  • !set_bot_color - a way to set the color for this Bot, redeemed by channel points
  • !aboutbb - get info about the bot, link to here


This is the initial tech design I came up with. It will evolve and grow as the bot does.

Design drawing


  • Design and outline scope
  • Bot skeleton
  • Hello world function
  • Get test env running on raspi
  • Build out functions
    • get/set colors
      • validate/clean user input
    • get user info
    • get bot details
    • welcome message
  • Build database
    • database interactions/functions
  • MQTT set up bot side
  • MQTT set up arduino side


Message structure:

tags: { 'badge-info': { subscriber: '1' }, badges: { moderator: '1', subscriber: '0' },

'client-nonce': 'some-nonce', color: '#00FF7F', 'display-name': 'berdron_bot', emotes: null,

flags: null, id: '542a8329-12b5-477a-b91c-e1a681dd643b', mod: true,

'room-id': ' ', subscriber: true, 'tmi-sent-ts': ' ',

turbo: false, 'user-id': ' ', 'user-type': 'mod', 'emotes-raw': null,

'badge-info-raw': 'subscriber/1', 'badges-raw': 'moderator/1,subscriber/0',

username: 'berdron_bot', 'message-type': 'chat' }


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Berdron - GitHub

Project Link: https://github.com/scott-olson/berdron_bot