
Yocto meta layer for tm-linux kernel and tm-u-boot for raspberry pi 3 b plus x64 version.

Primary LanguageBitBake


Setup Environment in Host PC

First of all install the essential packages for use Yocto into your host PC:

$ sudo apt-get install gawk wget git-core diffstat unzip texinfo gcc-multilib \
build-essential chrpath socat libsdl1.2-dev

Also install:

$ sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev xterm sed cvs subversion coreutils texi2html \
docbook-utils python-pysqlite2 help2man make gcc g++    desktop-file-utils \
libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev mercurial autoconf automake groff curl lzop asciidoc 

$ sudo apt-get install uboot-mkimage
$ sudo apt-get install u-boot-tools 

Setup repo utility

Create bin folder in your prefer path:

$ mkdir bin (this step may not be needed if the bin folder already exists)
$ curl https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > bin/repo
$ chmod a+x bin/repo

Add the following line to the .bashrc file to ensure that the bin folder is in your PATH variable.

export PATH=<path_to_bin>/bin:$PATH

Yocto Project Setup

First make sure that git is set up properly with the commands below:

$ git config --global user.name "Your Name"
$ git config --global user.email "Your Email"
$ git config --list

Now create your development folder:

$ mkdir my_yocto_folder

Go inside:

$ cd my_yocto_folder

And create a sources folder:

git clone -b thud git://git.yoctoproject.org/poky && cd poky

Then, add specific meta for Raspberry Pi boards:

$ git clone -b thud git://git.yoctoproject.org/meta-raspberrypi

Also add the tm-layer:

$ git clone https://github.com/Scott31393/meta-layer-tm-rpi3bplus64.git 

Setup the yocto environnement by sourcing the oe init script:

$ source/poky/oe-init-build-env <build-directory>

Modify the bblayer.conf and include the new layers (raspberry and tm layer)

$ vim build/conf/bblayers.conf

# POKY_BBLAYERS_CONF_VERSION is increased each time build/conf/bblayers.conf
# changes incompatibly
/home/wp_user/workspace/my_yocto/poky/meta \
/home/wp_user/workspace/my_yocto/poky/meta-poky \
/home/wp_user/workspace/my_yocto/poky/meta-yocto-bsp \
/home/wp_user/workspace/my_yocto/meta-raspberrypi \
/home/wp_user/workspace/my_yocto/meta-rpi3bplus \

Now modify local.conf:

$ vim build/conf/local.conf

# This sets the default machine to be qemux86 if no other machine is selected:
#MACHINE ??= "qemux86"
MACHINE ??= "raspberrypi3-64"

Now you can start to bitbake:

$ bitbake u-boot-tm