
A neural network library written in jax

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A straight forward neural network library written in jax. No hidden mechanisms, no black magic. Requires only jax and optax.

This library provides 3 components: (1) standard neural network layers, (2) a fit function to train models, and (3) a collection of basic callbacks for checkpointing and logging. The fit function doesn't know anything about the way layers are implemented, and can be used with other frameworks if desired. It only relies on optax.


import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import jax.random as rnd
import optax

import jynx
import jynx.callbacks as cb
import jynx.layers as nn

from jax import Array

def data_iter(key: Array):
    from itertools import repeat
    x = jnp.linspace(-1, 1, 100).reshape(-1, 1)
    y = jnp.cos(x) + 0.05 * rnd.normal(key, x.shape)
    return repeat((x, y))

def loss_fn(
    net: nn.Module[[Array], Array],
    batch: tuple[Array, Array],  # any type you want
    key: Array
) -> Array:
    x, y = batch
    y_pred = net(x, key=key)
    return optax.l2_loss(y_pred, y).mean()

def make_model(key: Array) -> nn.Module[[Array], Array]:
    k1, k2, k3 = rnd.split(key, 3)
    net = nn.sequential(
        nn.linear(1, 32, key=k1),
        nn.linear(32, 32, key=k2),
        nn.linear(32, 1, key=k3),
    # or use:
    # net = nn.mlp(
    #     [1, 32, 32, 1],
    #     activation=jax.nn.silu,
    #     key=key,
    # )
    return net

k1, k2, k3 = rnd.split(rnd.PRNGKey(0), 3)
res = jynx.fit(
        cb.TensorBoardLogger("tboard"),  # requires tensorboardx
        cb.MlflowLogger(),  # requires mlflow
        cb.CheckPoint("latest.pk"),  # requires cloudpickle
print("final loss", res.logs["loss"])
net = res.params


Currently implemented modules:

  • Sequential
  • Parallel
  • Recurrent: like Sequential but passes state, used for RNNs
  • DenselyConnected: DenseNet
  • Linear
  • Conv and ConvTranspose
  • Embedding
  • Fn: activation function
  • StarFn: equivalent of fn(*x)
  • Static: wraps an object to be ignored by jax
  • Reshape
  • Dropout
  • Pooling layers: AvgPoolng, MaxPooling, MinPooling
  • Norm: layer norm, batch norm etc.
  • SkipConnection
  • RNN layers: RNNCell, GRUCell, LSTMCell
  • Attention, TransformerEncoderBlock, TransformerDecoderBlock

Constructors for full networks:

  • mlp
  • transformer_encoder
  • transformer_decoder
  • rnn, lstm, and gru
  • More to come...

How layers work

Layers are simple pytree containers with a __call__ method. To define new modules easily, we provide a base PyTree class. Using this is not at all a requirement, it just makes most definitions simpler. Layers that don't require any static data can just as easily be defined as NamedTuples.

class MyLinear(NamedTuple):
    weight: Array
    bias: Array

    def __call__(self, x, *, key=None):
        return x @ self.weight + self.bias

We provide initialization with factory functions instead of in the contructor. This makes flattening and unflattening pytrees much simpler. For example:

def my_linear(size_in, size_out, *, key):
    w_init = jax.nn.initializers.kaiming_normal()
    return MyLinear(
        w_init(key, (size_in, size_out)),

So layers are just 'dumb' containers. The PyTree base class converts the inheriting class to a dataclass and registers the type as a jax pytree

class MyDense(PyTree):
    weight: Array
    bias: Array
    activation: Callable[[Array], Array] = static(default=jax.nn.relu)

    def __call__(self, x, *, key=None):
        return self.activation(x @ self.weight + self.bias)

The fit function

