
Fork of imthaghost merry-go-round to work round a module path bug

Primary LanguageGo


GoDoc Test Status Test Coverage

merryGoRound is a simple HTTP Client with rotating IPs via SmartProxy or Tor.


merryGoRound is compatible with modern Go releases in module mode, with Go installed:

go get github.com/imthaghost/merrygoround/

will resolve and add the package to the current development module, along with its dependencies.


package main

import (
	ht "github.com/imthaghost/merryGoRound/pkg/http"

func main() {
	// Configure a tor client
	tor := ht.Tor{
		MaxTimeout:         20 * time.Second,
		MaxIdleConnections: 10,

	// new instance of tor client
	torClient := tor.New()

	// check your IP with AWS
	res, _ := torClient.Get("https://checkip.amazonaws.com")
	body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
	ip := string(body)
	log.Printf("IP: %s", ip)