Coding Challenge (React)

A coding challenge in which I practised my React skills along with other frameworks like Tailwind for the styling and Framer motion for the animations

Technologies Used

  1. React
  2. Tailwind
  3. Framer motion

Things I learnt

  1. I was able to learn more on how to build figma designs, extracting the neccessary content, icons and images
  2. I was able to familarize myself more with the popular CSS framework - Tailwind
  3. I was able to use Framer motion for animations
  4. Learnt more about React file structuring to make my codes more reuseable and to obey the DRY principle

Challenges in the project

  1. Extracting design content to a separate js file and export was a little bit of work
  2. Setting up Framer motions always was stressful
  3. Using Tailwind had me going back and forth from its documentation.

Live site

Live site