Welcome. This is the classic Asteroids game!
Steer your ship with WASD, shoot with spacebar or f.
Pick up the blue orb to get a random upgrade.
Access the upgrade store/pause the game with p.
Things I plan to do:
- [✓] Accuracy counter
- [✓] Respawning asteroids
- [✓] Asteroid sprites
- Achievements
- Better astroid sprites
- Controls modal
- Breakup asteroids
- Thrusters on sprite
- Explosions
- [✓] Difficulty progression
- Rocks that take multiple hits
- Better difficulty progression
- [✓] Levels
- [✓] Ship upgrades
- [✓] Dynamic window size
- [✓] Power-ups
- [✓] More power-ups
- [✓] Upgrade store
- Make movement more realistic
- [✓] Friction?
- AI
- Game over
- Level completion time bonus
- Store cookies to store game session
- Display health meter under asteroids
- Reloading status bar
- Use deltas instead of set timeouts for shields and reloading